Voice of Evergreen

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.16
190000 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


 Relaxing huh? :)

   A group of friends persuaded me to hike up Quicksilver, a small park of
 a hill near where I live (friends can make you do such weird things).
 Majestic towering conifers and such.. guess it impressed me enough to
 write a song :)  At the top of the hill, there's  a ledge for
 sightseeing.  But, instead of taking home a beautiful view of a forest,
 I got a beautiful view of the neighborhood.  I realized that this hill is
 the only obstacle stopping the city from eating up the entire coast.  Of
 course, even this won't really stop us - "In Memory of Trees."

   Ok, now for some musical notes:  It's amazing what 3 simple chords can
 do (chords are so strong in slow songs!).  Even the slightest change can
 change the mood of the song.  This kind of power seams to be lost in fast
 paced techno.  Oh yea, be sure the bass boost on your speakers are way
 up!  I only gave the bass one channel - juz cleaner that way.
   Like the instruments?  Most are from me, but if you think that some
 would be perfect for your own song, pleez use em!  Music is more
 important than silly copyrights.  Just remember to release it for the
 rest of us to hear :)

   Thanks goes out to pulse for his amazing creation, Impulse Tracker and
 being such a kewl dude all round!  Airon, who taught me how a slow song
 can blossom beautifully.  Spassky, who's always up for a game.  Chip
 Davis, whose music opened my mind to the the possibilities of the piano.
 And the local radio station KSJS who dares to play the detestable
 electric dark wave industrial music that I love.

 Music around the world.  Noisy planet.

 \/  \/                              Enjoy.
 /\  /\
[January 18, 1999]
<zastar@juno.com>  (All comments appreciated :)


Source Name Folder
Modarchive voicever.it IT/V/voicever.it.zip
Modarchive voicever.it V/VO/voicever.it.zip



# Name ST name Used in Size
1. DRM Dip ST-78:bdRUM1-440THICK 795 other modules 2100 ▶️
2. DRM Snare Fresh 3 other modules 5920 ▶️
3. CYM Tap Out 9 other modules 6000 ▶️
4. CYM Hash 9 other modules 4500 ▶️
5. EFX Clap! 6 other modules 7861 ▶️
6. EFX Chop Stik Echo Ext 6 other modules 800 ▶️
7. GTR Bass Gentle 3 other modules 2659 ▶️
8. SYN Bass 7 other modules 1608 ▶️
9. GTR Puk 8 other modules 8946 ▶️
10. VOC Tohc 7 other modules 7072 ▶️
11. SYN Pluck Cute 5 other modules 4231 ▶️
12. PNO Classic Tinker 1 other modules 27394 ▶️
13. PNO String Mix 6 other modules 9990 ▶️
14. PNO Alto 7 other modules 8000 ▶️
15. SYN Bella 4 other modules 8980 ▶️
16. SYN Bell Voiced 6 other modules 9989 ▶️
17. FLU Poofy 5 other modules 5832 ▶️
18. FLU Pan Flute 3 other modules 6163 ▶️
19. VOC Hooooooh 15 other modules 14201 ▶️
20. SYN Free Choir 4 other modules 11107 ▶️


  1. DRM Dip
  2. DRM Snare Fresh
  3. CYM Tap Out
  4. CYM Hash
  5. EFX Clap!
  6. EFX Chop Stik Echo Ext
  7. GTR Bass Gentle
  8. SYN Bass
  9. GTR Puk
  10. VOC Tohc
  11. SYN Pluck Cute
  12. PNO Classic Tinker
  13. PNO String Mix
  14. PNO Alto
  15. SYN Bella
  16. SYN Bell Voiced
  17. FLU Poofy
  18. FLU Pan Flute
  19. VOC Hooooooh
  20. SYN Free Choir

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