Emerald Knoll

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 1.00
3815956 bytes
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============================== Emerald Knoll =============================

     This song is written in loving memory of Mindy Pierson, a younger
student who passed away just after Thanksgiving break at my school.  The
news shook the entire school.  So I dedicate this song to her.  I believe
that it reflects her caring heart and her always cheerful attitude towards
others, even when times were bad.  Also there have been several other
things happening at this small school.  Please keep it in your prayers.


Listen in MOD Plug Player only please!  I know it sounds right there!
Completed & Released: December 29, 2000
Sampling: 16-Bit, 44100Hz (CD Quality)
Length: 3 min 43 sec
Dedicated: Mindy Pierson & PHJA Staff
Email Address: echidna16@juno.com
Artist Homepage: artists.traxinspace.com/echidna
Sample Source: Kurzweil PC88 & Expansion Board

Hello Again,
      First off, I'd like to thank you for downloading this song.  I know
it takes up alot of space and for slower net conections it must be a long
wait.  Believe me, I know, I uploaded it.  Anywaz, heres the story on
this song.  About three or four months ago.  To be honest I don't know
exactly how long ago but everyone at my house including myself sat down
to watch an older movie that was rented.  Parent Trap.  A cute movie but
I guess it inspired me because I came up with the melody several hours
later.  I sat down at the piano and played around with it for awhile but
actually thought nothing good would come of it.  But I just kept fooling
around with it and adding stuff until I came up with this.  A actually
put a incomplete song idea that I had from a long time ago into this one
and I think that both parts accent each other nicely.  Listen for your-
self.  After I had played and developed it for about 3 months I decided
to sit down and track it in late November early December.  After taking
samples for about 3 hrs and trying to perfect them I actually go to work.
The piano in this song sometimes spans fifeteen channels while I have
a string pad and a warm pad which hopefully will add power to the bottom
end of the piece.  I added a two other voices, harp and a space voice
that I try to accent the melody with so that the strings and warm pad
don't overpower the piano itself.  The song was also difficult to mix.
Please don't use the samples in this song without writing to the above
email address first for permission.  Taking the time to set tempo was
another thing I had to experiment with because I've never done extensive
adjustments like this in a song ever.  Overall the song was a difficult
one to track but I believe that I successfully was able to pull off
what I wanted to say musically.
     Once again thanx for downloading and if your still reading this I
would like to ask another favor from you.  Please email me and tell me
what you think about this song.  Either that or give a public review.
I honestly don't care what this song is given as long as I get some
feedback.  I would greatly appreciate it.  If you like my style feel
free to download some of my other songs.  I hope you enjoy them.  I will
say this in closing and that is I don't track for reviewers at TiS.  I
never have and I never will.  I track music that I enjoy listening to.
If you like it, great.  If you don't I don't hold it against you.
Anywaz, all you critics who actually wanna see me improve as a tracker
can send away you love/hate mail to my email address of post a review.

Until Next Time,

Check out:  Deep Forest! Comparsa @ www.sonymusic.fr/deepforest
This cd kicks!!

Copyright (C) Gabe "Echidna" Castlebary 2000
        All rights reserved!


Source Name Folder
Modland emerald knoll.it Impulsetracker/Echidna/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 1 other modules 110415 ▶️ 56%:
Thanks for watching!
2. No name 110613 ▶️
3. No name 110002 ▶️
4. No name 100002 ▶️
5. No name 1 other modules 85002 ▶️ 73%:
6. No name 119002 ▶️
7. No name 132336 ▶️ 86%:
8. No name 119909 ▶️ 89%:
Thanks for watching!
9. No name 125902 ▶️ 92%:
10. No name 1 other modules 132002 ▶️
11. No name 198703 ▶️
12. No name 1 other modules 154002 ▶️ 66%:
Qu in
13. No name 1 other modules 117002 ▶️ 87%:
14. No name 1 other modules 173947 ▶️ 76%:
Thanks for watching!
15. No name 1 other modules 110621 ▶️

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