"Just another world"

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1217294 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modarchive just_another_world.xm XM/J/just_another_world.xm.zip
Modarchive just_another_world.xm J/JU/just_another_world.xm.zip
Modland just another world.xm Fasttracker 2/Wilder/



# Name Used in Size
1. Thanks to 142 other modules 2912 ▶️
2. Members : 218 other modules 3014 ▶️
3. Dedicado a 217 other modules 2812 ▶️
4. bass by joice 242 other modules 2606 ▶️
5. sample by joice 151 other modules 3198 ▶️
6. From sample CDs 21 other modules 45791 ▶️ 85%:
Thanks for watching!
7. From Sample Cds 73 other modules 2606 ▶️
8. From Karsten Koch 14 other modules 7669 ▶️
9. No name 36 other modules 7986 ▶️
10. Yes...Ripped..Sorry. 40 other modules 9574 ▶️
11. estrayk & evelred! 11 other modules 5831 ▶️
12. estrayk & evelred! 7 other modules 8846 ▶️
13. From Sergio Dj. 41 other modules 10695 ▶️
14. From the Module 19 other modules 2911 ▶️
15. Awesome hihat 116 other modules 6548 ▶️
16. From Evelred and 15 other modules 2989 ▶️
17. Evelred and Estrayk 22 other modules 2935 ▶️
18. From Lizardking 59 other modules 3776 ▶️
19. browl.1 21 other modules 3367 ▶️
20. browl.2 17 other modules 4485 ▶️
21. browl.3 19 other modules 4646 ▶️
22. browl.4 19 other modules 6344 ▶️
23. browl.5 19 other modules 5731 ▶️
24. browl.6 18 other modules 5383 ▶️
25. browl.8 28 other modules 5311 ▶️
26. NoName 5 other modules 31483 ▶️
27. by Falcon 34 other modules 15844 ▶️
28. Sample Cds 15 other modules 10691 ▶️
29. Sample Cds 5 other modules 27135 ▶️
30. Crshcym2.wav 21 other modules 30591 ▶️ 66%:
31. Made by Impression 59 other modules 9897 ▶️
32. From Impression 22 other modules 4232 ▶️
33. The Best Piano 99 other modules 41702 ▶️
34. ever by the great : 73 other modules 28955 ▶️
35. Noisyman / Iguana 78 other modules 20384 ▶️
36. Cool Keyboards, 85 other modules 35702 ▶️
37. David!!! 103 other modules 33989 ▶️
38. No name 86 other modules 28972 ▶️
39. From Impression 36 other modules 14073 ▶️
40. Sample by 17 other modules 111000 ▶️
41. 58-hi.wav 20 other modules 51835 ▶️ 85%:
Thanks for watching!
42. by evelred & estrayk! 14 other modules 2907 ▶️
43. Zap by Sergio Dj 32 other modules 1025 ▶️
44. Awesome breath!! 50 other modules 25242 ▶️
45. by Sergio DJ 25 other modules 17354 ▶️
46. No name 51 other modules 49897 ▶️
47. No name 4 other modules 129916 ▶️
48. No name 76365 ▶️ 89%:
Thanks for watching!
50. Module by Awesome 1234 ▶️
51. No name 17 other modules 12 ▶️
52. Sample by K.Koch 21 other modules 7764 ▶️
53. Sample by K.Koch 20 other modules 7105 ▶️
54. Sample by K.Koch 22 other modules 7420 ▶️
55. Sample by K.Koch 21 other modules 7413 ▶️
56. Sample by K.Koch 20 other modules 7007 ▶️
57. Sample by K.Koch 21 other modules 7161 ▶️
58. Sample by K.Koch 20 other modules 6562 ▶️


  1. By Wilder
  2. of
  3. Digital Xperience
  4. ||||||||||||||||||||||
  5. @ 1999 Israel Millan.
  6. All rights Reserved
  7. ----------------------
  8. Thanks to Awesome
  9. of Wild Bits & Digital
  10. for his help, support
  11. and friendship.
  12. Thanks to Joice and
  13. Karsten Koch for some
  14. samples. More credits
  15. in every sample info.
  16. ----------------------
  17. Version para el
  18. V Concurso de
  19. Ficheros Musicales
  21. ///////////////////
  22. Y llegado el momento
  23. de saludar antes de
  24. nada un saludete
  25. para el resto de
  26. miembros de Digital
  27. Xperience:
  28. Tropy, Dawn, Alqui,
  29. Frieden y Piru.
  30. Y tambien un saludo
  31. especial para mi "tito
  32. Awesome, compa.ero
  33. en D.X. Music gracias
  34. al cual he sido capaz
  35. de hacer algo que
  36. sonara medio bien.
  37. Y como no, un saludo
  38. para mis padres y
  39. hermanos.
  40. Y a la pe.a del
  41. aburriento.
  42. Tambien quisiera salud
  43. a Finn Renard por su
  44. simpatico mensaje.
  45. **********************
  46. Para contactar:
  47. Digital Xperience
  48. Music (Wilder)
  49. Moncayo 7 1A
  50. 21006 Huelva
  51. **********************
  52. Si quieres hablar
  53. 617055500/959561008
  54. **********************
  55. wilder@teleline.es
  56. **********************
  57. Y tambien puedes
  58. saber mas en:
  59. www.lanzadera.com/
  60. digitalxperience
  61. **********************
  62. Ah, tambien un saludo
  63. Para mis compa.eros de
  64. Piso: Sergio y Albert.
  65. Y otro a mis compa.ero
  66. en la Escuela
  67. Politecnica Superior
  68. de La Rabida:
  69. Ale, Miguel, Velez,
  70. Carolina, Noelia,
  71. Maite, Dani, Rocio,
  72. Gloria,etc...
  73. Y otro saludo mas
  74. para Visent que esta
  75. en Barcelona y
  76. para Sergio y Raquel
  77. de Madrid.
  78. Agradecer tambien
  79. a Fernando Maito e
  80. Ingo por su ayuda en
  81. el concierto de septbr
  82. del cual podeis ver
  83. fotos en la web de
  84. Digital Xperience
  85. *********************
  86. @ Israel Millan.1999
  87. To the people that
  88. lives loving the pure
  89. feeling for the music
  90. and searching for the
  91. improving of their
  92. lifes and themselves.
  93. Release Date : July'99
  94. ----------------------
  95. "Just another world "
  96. by Wilder Geist
  97. 32 channels Stereo
  98. Running time 2 56
  99. ----------------------
  100. Note : Listen to this
  101. with Fast Tracker 2.
  102. Cubic doesn't handle
  103. volumes correctly.
  104. If not, use Surround
  105. option.

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster