..fell.. -TWS
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 312204 bytes
- BPM:
- 145
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 12
- Song Length:
- 57
- Samples:
- 22
- Instruments:
- 36
- Patterns:
- 41
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 481
- SHA1:
- 8a88a5f846f8d3ea750e8843e4ee647cd9c3c342
- MD5:
- 13a69a0e6a18cc1018b2425e53d56c22
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
fell-tws.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Entity/ |
- "..and it fell from
- the heavens..."
- by ntity
- Inspired by Quebec's
- Ice Storm '98 and
- everyone's favorite
- guy, Mr. El Ni.o.
- All samples by me.
- Samples 9-C are
- actually sounds from
- clearing the 3 to 4
- inches of ice off my
- roof.
- greetz to hepkatt,
- dreamsource,
- schleudertrauma,
- the montreal rave
- scene, and anyone else
- who makes that funky
- techno beat...
- ----------------------
- Entity:
- frums@geocities.com
- The Temple of
- Waffular Synthesis:
- weber.u.washington.edu
- /~mrtn/waffle/