by dintendo
tracked with MODPLUG tracker
finished 16 april 2001
approx. work time:
3 hrs
I wrote this song because
Thomas asked me to. It's
called "diediedie" because
it sounds like DIEDIEDIE!!!.
I don't even know if this is
what metal is supposed to
sound like. All I know is
that my uncle Paul is in
a death metal band and they smash
things and yell really loud so it
sounds like Satan just woke up and
realized he is late for school.
Anyway, please don't kill me be-
cause this song doesn't sound like
your idea of metal. This is a
combination ofThomas' description
of metal, my usual techno music,
all those cool Super Nintendo sound
tracks, and also letting the cat
walk across the keyboard when I
was doing the drum tracks.
Oh, well.
anyway...please, please contact me
at: dintendo@aol.com, and tell me
what you think of this song.
you can find more of my stuff at:
or: mp3.com/dintendo
wanna do a remix of this piece of
trash (or any of my other stuff)?
cool! just tell me before you start
I wanna hear the finished product.
Also, I ripped these samples from
someone's song called "meshugga".
wow, there's a lot of time left,
huh? Well, I wouldn't want you
to get bored, so I suppose I will
talk some more. Do you like
Nintendo? I sure do. It's the
best thing ever. I like Metroid,
and all the Mario games, and,
wow, everything Nintendo.
It's all just so @$#?!
cool. Oh, and if you like Nintendo
music, you should go to this site:
geocities.com/dintendo. Me and a
bunch of other guys are converting
every NES soundtrack to mp3 so you
can download it for free.
Check it out.
Uh...well, I do believe that I am
out of clever things to say
(actually I ran out of those back
in the intro). So, I now present
the title screen for
your viewing pleasure.