tracked by Shytan (Oleg Bojczuk) /Donetsk
Dedicated to my beloved Lena, the girl that I finally found.
Originally composed for guitar. This is the IT version with
some minor orchestration.
Software used: Modplug Tracker 1.16.0203, Jeskola Buzz 1.2
Notes: Best played with Modplug Tracker, Moplug Player,
XMPlay or Audacious (Winamp will do too, I guess).
Sample credits: >thanks go to Awesome for the pad sample;
>electronic piano sampled from a VSTi plugin
called mda ePiano using the Buzz VSTi host
Greets: everybody on the Buzz tracking scene!
Contacts: shytan@buzzmusic.org.ua or buzzer.shytan@gmail.com