don`t leave me 4:27
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 642386 bytes
- BPM:
- 110
- Speed:
- 4
- Channels:
- 24
- Song Length:
- 33
- Samples:
- 28
- Instruments:
- 46
- Patterns:
- 32
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 745
- SHA1:
- 7a0c5e6cd11e206b3c929f1447d746584c9ecc2a
- MD5:
- 18ae58efa364b0957714461023f7d686
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
don't leave me.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Jorfen/ |
# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
@ Armadon |
11 other modules
99683 |
2. |
Decay 8 |
21 other modules
28914 |
3. |
4. |
5. |
(c) CRUZ.SEGA97 |
6. |
Violin Synthesizer |
16 other modules
47570 |
7. |
16 Bit |
8. |
By Sonic/Destiny |
9. |
10. |
Roland U220 |
11. |
Clap13.smp |
13 other modules
7875 |
12. |
Tune 7 , Decay 10 |
19234 |
13. |
14. |
15. |
(c) CRUZ.SEGA97 |
16. |
Tune 0 , Tone 7 |
10665 |
17. |
Snappy 3 |
18. |
19. |
(c) CRUZ.SEGA97 |
20. |
Tom.smp |
1 other modules
5354 |
21. |
Decay 2 |
200 other modules
3784 |
22. |
23. |
24. |
(c) CRUZ.SEGA97 |
25. |
Assign.909.Kick |
4 other modules
13923 |
26. |
@ Monz |
20 other modules
15740 |
27. |
Slide2.smp |
582 other modules
36936 |
28. |
- ._-== aDVANCEd ==-_.
- ._-== rHYTHm ==-_.
- ._-==tECHNOLOGIEs==-_
- presents
- Don`t leave me
- a ballad lasting
- 4 mins and 27 secs
- by jorfen%art%rcn
- greeeetz :
- Oli.Digit.all at chan
- gabba and ficken.
- DoctorNoise.all at
- our maillinglist.the
- rest of art.walf
- comments are always
- welcome...
- samples are from
- various sources,
- including some from
- free samplepacks
Similar sample set