Written by Martin Bazley on 27/3/2007.
This is a composition of various songs I couldn't quite
stretch out into full-length tracks. Enjoy!
Part 1 (pos. 0-7): Probably one of the best themes I've ever
composed, but unfortunately not very variable.
Part 2 (pos. 8-22): Fast-paced and haunting. It still only
plays at speed 6, though.
Part 3 (pos. 23-28): I can't quite define this one in
words, except to say that, whatever it is, it's BRILLIANT!
Part 4 (pos. 29-36): Essentially the second movement of the
third part, but with some elements of parts 1 and 2 as well.
Part 5 (pos. 37-46): I like to think it's mysterious and
spooky, but it's probably weird and rubbish.
Part 6 (pos. 47-53): Encore performance of part 1 with a
different chord sequence.
Samples: 'alive', 'eurochart 16', 'waterfall', 'Zoocolors',
'the anvil chorus', 'VDLOVE1', 'gold return' and, as always,
Digital Symphony.
Stats: 53 (&35) positions, equivalent to 5 minutes and 57.8
seconds of real-time music (another new record... yay!). 74
separate patterns and 17 samples, all contributing to an
uncompressed 265 KB file.
My email address is at martin@bazley.freeuk.com.
Thanks for listening.