Surrogath. / Doxx
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 62924 bytes
- BPM:
- 110
- Speed:
- 2
- Channels:
- 4
- Song Length:
- 17
- Samples:
- 12
- Instruments:
- 41
- Patterns:
- 14
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 53
- SHA1:
- 7613720147a07cf2253742e8b692b850eec9aa56
- MD5:
- ef655b7d587a98afaef11364ac6efbad
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
surrogath. doxx.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Doxx/ |
- . ....Surrogat(hora)
- Composed on C-64 by
- Moon/Flash inc. 1993!
- Converted & adapted
- to PC in Nov. 1996 by
- Stefan 'Doxx' Berglind
- in Fasttracker 2.06.
- The crewl bassline and
- some lead-instruments
- are sampled from the
- original tune, played
- in SIDPlay32.
- The original tune is
- included in this file,
- at instrument $0C.
- Save it as a .smp file
- and play in Sidplay &
- compare the tunes...
- Get more tunes at:
- ~t94stebe
- Mail to:
- Length: 1.34 min
- -Allan i dalen s.ger:-
- --- Rock 'n Roll ! ---
- ..swingaling boogie
- woogie rulez....
- * CENTRA DIG ! *
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