s o u l i n s e c t i c i d e
. .:by beek / process five
5/12/98:. .
--- note.
this song has been written :
using impulse tracker's :
resonant filters. the song :
does not change drastically :
without them, but i think :
they add a nice touch. :
--- misc.
while thinking of a name for :
this song, i looked in my :
journal type thing, and :
picked "soul insecticide," :
which is a poem -- so i'll :
just write it right here for :
you. :
--- soul insecticide. (poem -- 4/21/98)
three times redundant,
upside down,
three times reflected,
on to the ground.
three times forgotten,
lost not found,
three times, forever,
not a sound.
no complex riddles,
no belief,
no trustworthy subjects,
worthy of relief.
too many able to decieve,
too many to quite believe.
in the shadows where the rats hide,
never enough,
in the land where the sand can dry
dry your soul from above.
too many deterrents,
too welcome to be,
not enough ultraviolet joy
to flavor me.
soul insecticide,
you've been set free,
a degree above my freedom,
and a lie above me.
--- contact.
(not up 24/7..)
chris hampton
8791-d gilman drive,
san diego, ca 92037
+1 619 457 5747
61 72 65 20 74 68 65 72
65 20 69 6E 73 65 63 74
73 20 69 6E 20 79 6F 75
72 70 73 6F 75 6C 3F