*Forest Of Illusion*
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 191156 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 26
- Song Length:
- 30
- Samples:
- 11
- Instruments:
- 80
- Patterns:
- 13
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 313
- SHA1:
- 6aa92ff2ad453d23276a3505eb22a02b36bb1201
- MD5:
- d2df87572b041453c858b0bbbb950a46
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
y3k_fore.xm |
XM/Y/y3k_fore.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
y3k_fore.xm |
Y/Y3/y3k_fore.xm.zip |
Modland |
forest of illusion.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Y3K/ |
- sawtooth
- lead
- acid bass
- aahs
- bass
- fx
- clap
- Polysynth
- open hi hat
- closed hi hat
- bass drum
- ----------------
- *Forest Of Illusion*
- By Y3K
- Sep-20-2006
- (C)2006 BST/FWM
- A Crystal ME
- Production
- feborron@hotmail.com
- http://
- lamagiadelcolibri.
- blogspot.com
- (Not updated yet)
- ---------------
- Inspired on Super
- Mario Bros Series:
- "Forest Of Illusion"
- Super Mario World
- (C)1991 Nintendo
- -----------------
- I miss the good old
- times! Those days
- I studied Calculus Two
- with my friends. The
- professor was nice,
- not as others... >:)
- September-October-
- November 1998, I
- won't forget you...
- Let's compute
- Int(1/(1+xE2)dx)
- Answer:Arctan(x)+C
- (E means powered to)
- *Exercises*
- 1)Int(dx/sqrt(1-xE2))
- 2)Int(Arccos(x)dx)
- 3)Int(cosec(x)dx)
- 4)Int(eE(px)*cos(qx)dx
- *Answers*
- 1)Trivial(think about
- the derivative of
- Arccos(x)...
- 2)Use geometry or
- integration by parts
- 3)Trick: amplify by
- the fraction:
- cosec(x)+cot(x)
- --------------
- cosec(x)+cot(x)
- 4)Use the complex
- expression:
- C+i*S=Int(eE(px)*
- cos(qx)dx)+i*Int(eE
- (px)*sin(qx)dx)
- and use the fact that
- eE(ix)=cos(x)+i*sin(x)
- See ya!!!!!!!
- ======================
- Fernando Borroni
- Ferrari
- Lic. Mathemathics
- Pontificia Universidad
- Catolica Of Chile
- ======================
- The Y3K producer he he
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