This song is created by the obscure:
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Title by Aymes.
For the Bar Wars compo #24! :)
Mine excuse this time?
2 hours for tracking...
Not much emotion this time, just some rushing demostylisch dance.
Demostyle with over 100 channels... sure. =)
Song is a bit chaotic... meant to be. Honest. :)
End is abrupt. So what. :)
Amazing samplepack... not good... not bad... :)
1 sample added, the edited crash sample (sample 24) ripped from Mixman.
BUT edited. :) (louzy eh. :))
Sadly, this tune is actually only playable in Modplug software.
It's tracked in Modplug.
Makes sence.
Impulse, Sonique and XMPlay do not play this tune correctly,
and I mean it... :)
(since it's not compatable with Impulse I didn't care much about the
overall volume... but it will sound distorted.)
You can play it with Winamp though (WHY?!) if you don't mind
it's resampling method. You'll hear clicks.
Best playing method:
Modplug Player, linear resampling, VERY LOUD VOLUME!!! :)))
Still sick, but I think it wont help me this time. ;)
Good luck people, congrats to the winner!
from Yomi Records
Hmm.. I had to chop down a lot to fit everything in 500kb...