M.S.P. (4:44)

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
3903723 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modarchive m_s_p_444.xm XM/M/m_s_p_444.xm.zip
Modarchive m_s_p_444.xm M/M_/m_s_p_444.xm.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. Hbk001a.wav 1 other modules 44100 ▶️
2. Hbk001a2.wav 1 other modules 44100 ▶️
3. Hbk001a4.wav 1 other modules 44100 ▶️
4. Mopolla.wavv 1 other modules 22846 ▶️
5. Mopolla.wav 1 other modules 36203 ▶️
6. Mcbain.wav 1 other modules 8144 ▶️
7. Burns.wav 4 other modules 18288 ▶️
8. mulla sekuaa p..... 1 other modules 73768 ▶️
9. Otrosk~1.wav 1 other modules 15283 ▶️
10. Otkrii~1.wav 1 other modules 2065 ▶️
11. Holygr~1.wav 2 other modules 19948 ▶️
12. Isolau.smp 23 other modules 19422 ▶️
13. Bassdrum 2 other modules 5108 ▶️
14. Virveli.smp 37 other modules 6048 ▶️
15. harp0 73 other modules 5276 ▶️
16. harp1 81 other modules 2993 ▶️
17. harp2 54 other modules 3431 ▶️
18. Ott.hti.wav 1 other modules 4596 ▶️
19. Otpika~1.wav 1 other modules 6437 ▶️
20. Otrosk~1.wav 1 other modules 3975 ▶️
21. Otsove~2.wav 1 other modules 11147 ▶️
22. Otkrii~1.wav 1 other modules 27406 ▶️
23. sammyb 2 other modules 4808 ▶️
24. No name 11 other modules 5981 ▶️
25. Scratch.smp 6 other modules 5174 ▶️
26. Otpien~1.wav 1 other modules 22801 ▶️
27. Otoletus.wav 1 other modules 2604 ▶️
28. No name 3 other modules 9987 ▶️
29. No name 5 other modules 5621 ▶️
30. Otvirhe.wav 1 other modules 16918 ▶️
35. Otkuva~1.wav 1 other modules 7211 ▶️
36. Otkuva~1.wav 1 other modules 13457 ▶️
37. Otrosk~1.wav 1 other modules 28204 ▶️
38. Otpostia.wav 1 other modules 17060 ▶️
39. Otvaro~1.wav 1 other modules 30289 ▶️
40. No name 1 other modules 61801 ▶️
41. No name 1 other modules 77651 ▶️
42. No name 1 other modules 47773 ▶️
43. No name 1 other modules 88686 ▶️
44. No name 1 other modules 76376 ▶️
45. No name 1 other modules 31668 ▶️
46. No name 1 other modules 94680 ▶️
47. Simpso~1.wav 1 other modules 47804 ▶️
48. Simpso~1.wav 1 other modules 3715 ▶️
49. Simpso~1.wav 1 other modules 9682 ▶️
50. Pihvetti.wav 1 other modules 48046 ▶️
51. Otpala~1.wav 1 other modules 21585 ▶️
52. Otsuur~1.wav 1 other modules 16936 ▶️
53. Otsuur~1.wav 1 other modules 21399 ▶️
54. Ott.hti.wav 1 other modules 22746 ▶️
55. Ott.hti.wav 1 other modules 14058 ▶️
56. Ott.hti.wav 1 other modules 13508 ▶️
57. No name 14 other modules 470 ▶️
58. sammyb 2 other modules 26248 ▶️
59. No name 3 other modules 359722 ▶️
60. enjoy the tb303-samps 1 other modules 26895 ▶️
61. No name 1 other modules 91526 ▶️
62. Kolmaika.wav 1 other modules 10938 ▶️
67. Fin-tc~1.wav 1 other modules 49791 ▶️
68. Mopolla.wav 1 other modules 14650 ▶️
69. Eitartte.wav 1 other modules 27498 ▶️
70. Mcbain.wav 1 other modules 24678 ▶️
71. Skotti.wav 1 other modules 10168 ▶️
72. Fin-ca~1.wav 1 other modules 101343 ▶️
73. Fin-sw~1.wav 1 other modules 34421 ▶️
74. Willyb~1.wav 1 other modules 17764 ▶️
75. Harakiri.wav 1 other modules 58934 ▶️
76. Burns-~1.wav 1 other modules 19704 ▶️
77. Fin-sw~1.wav 1 other modules 165724 ▶️
78. Kiekko.wav 1 other modules 206261 ▶️
79. Tuleem.wav 1 other modules 158012 ▶️
80. Mopolla.wav 1 other modules 10057 ▶️
81. Fin-ru~2.wav 1 other modules 467528 ▶️
82. No name 2 other modules 4802 ▶️
83. Fin-ru~1.wav 1 other modules 123678 ▶️
84. Fin-ru~1.wav 1 other modules 14383 ▶️
85. Otvirhe.wav 1 other modules 29599 ▶️
86. No name 1 other modules 6125 ▶️
87. Baby1.wav 1 other modules 22191 ▶️
88. Eiriita.wav 1 other modules 69061 ▶️


  1. "M.S.P."
  2. composed by: D-fab
  3. (a.k.a. Natu)
  4. duration: 4:44
  5. date: 15/06/99
  6. ...well, this one was
  7. composed mostly while
  8. I waited for
  9. Stanley Cup matches
  10. to begin...
  11. ...there's lots
  12. of "VOCALS"in this
  13. song, most of them are
  14. ripped from other
  15. songs. I hope you
  16. don't mind. SORRY!!!
  17. Thanks to K.rsy for
  18. Matti K.-samples
  19. (eg. Otsove.wav,
  20. Otpien 1.wav...)
  21. b.t.w. #37 is me...
  22. ...No jaa, t.m. ei
  23. v.ltt.m.tt. oikeen
  24. toimi semmosten ihmis-
  25. ten mielest., jotka ei
  26. osaa suomee...
  27. ...mahtaakohan toimia
  28. toimia niittenk..n
  29. mielest. jotka osaa...
  30. (ei maha, veikkaan...
  31. SFW, min. tykk..n!)
  32. greets:
  33. # DrillHead
  34. # icemint
  35. # K.RSy
  36. # and everyone who
  37. knows me...
  38. mail me:
  39. natu13@hotmail.com
  40. LorinaProducts@ -99

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster