aquarium - 16 bit

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1778127 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Lemon Amiga Ultimate MOD pack! aws_aq16.xm Misc Players/
Lemon Amiga Ultimate MOD pack! aws_aq16.xm Modules for DeliTracker/Misc Modules/
aminet AWS_AQ16.XM mods/wmr/aws_aq16.lha
Modland aquarium - 16 bit.xm Fasttracker 2/Awesome/
Modarchive aws_aq16.xm XM/A/
Modarchive aws_aq16.xm A/AW/ AWS_AQ16.XM music/artists/awesome/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 76 other modules 59119 ▶️ 68%:
2. No name 59 other modules 27794 ▶️
3. No name 140 other modules 13664 ▶️
4. No name 149 other modules 118638 ▶️
5. No name 42 other modules 14484 ▶️
6. Filtered by 28 other modules 63008 ▶️ 62%:
7. It-Alien
8. Original XI by ??
10. No name 53 other modules 9333 ▶️
12. No name 3 other modules 45960 ▶️ 53%:
Thanks for watching!
13. No name 26 other modules 16731 ▶️
14. No name 35 other modules 3747 ▶️
15. No name 18 other modules 81674 ▶️
16. No name 25 other modules 73007 ▶️
17. No name 65 other modules 3776 ▶️
18. No name 229 other modules 51338 ▶️ 68%:
Thanks for watching!
19. No name 76 other modules 40869 ▶️
20. No name 17 other modules 2022 ▶️
21. No name 13 other modules 12558 ▶️
22. No name 21 other modules 13345 ▶️
23. No name 12 other modules 5385 ▶️
24. No name 17 other modules 6648 ▶️
25. No name 17 other modules 8883 ▶️
26. No name 22 other modules 6966 ▶️
27. No name 12 other modules 5155 ▶️
28. No name 67 other modules 58521 ▶️
29. No name 68 other modules 27010 ▶️
30. No name 36 other modules 10084 ▶️
31. No name 15 other modules 2074 ▶️
32. No name 31 other modules 16169 ▶️
33. No name 48 other modules 15464 ▶️
34. No name 26 other modules 8235 ▶️
35. No name 9 other modules 5690 ▶️
36. No name 9 other modules 11397 ▶️
37. No name 10 other modules 5850 ▶️
38. No name 9 other modules 6020 ▶️
39. No name 8 other modules 11212 ▶️
40. No name 9 other modules 11408 ▶️
41. No name 8 other modules 5774 ▶️
42. No name 15 other modules 22454 ▶️
43. No name 5 other modules 15545 ▶️
44. No name 13 other modules 99093 ▶️
45. No name 6 other modules 9331 ▶️
46. No name 10 other modules 20530 ▶️
47. No name 16 other modules 11583 ▶️
48. No name 38 other modules 91 ▶️
49. Song Composed by 13 other modules 10 ▶️
50. Victor Vergara
51. 1998 Spain
53. ----------------------


  1. ' aquarium '
  2. by
  3. awesome
  4. .wildbits. .inside.
  5. .pandemia. .wizard.
  6. @ 1998. Victor Vergara
  7. All Rights Reserved
  8. Don't modify without
  9. This is the 16 bit
  10. version.
  11. Copyright 1998 Spain.
  12. ----------------------
  13. This 16-bit version
  14. will be a guest
  15. release for Amable.
  16. The 8-bit Version was
  17. my first release for
  18. Pandemia Music Group.
  19. I hope you find this
  20. song quite interesting
  21. since it's needed
  22. a lot of work.
  23. Just think in a deep
  24. ocean while you listen
  25. to this...
  26. Most of the samples
  27. were taken from
  28. fm cd's or made by me.
  29. just 10% ripped from
  30. authors who ripped
  31. them from others.
  32. Thanks to them.
  33. ------- - -- -- ----
  34. Greetings to all
  35. my friends of
  36. wild bits, inside and
  37. pandemia. Also to
  38. nova, future crew,
  39. slords, tlotb, iguana,
  40. dtt, unknown, destiny,
  41. stratos, #trax,
  42. #dj's, and specially
  43. to the following
  44. people :
  45. Naiad, Swag, DjUnique,
  46. Skaven, Hydrox, Jax,
  47. Cobb, Manfex, Hunz,
  48. Trackman, Simpa, Naif,
  49. Darkblade, and all
  50. the people who sent
  51. me any kind of email.
  52. Thanks to all!
  53. ------ Awesome ------
  54. Awesome Proffessional
  55. -= Art Studio =-
  56. Music, Graphics & Sfx
  57. for games and demos.
  58. ""
  59. (96) 359 67 44
  60. C/Montemayor 1, 5
  61. Xirivella (Valencia)
  62. 46950 Spain
  63. Victor Vergara
  64. That's all.
  65. Dum bi dum du dum.
  66. Papapapandemiaaaa!!!

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster