Rb387 Presents...
Culture Shock
Programmed by Schlang
With input from FoamHat
And no help from you at all...
...thanks a lot buddy...
Song time: 6:09
Date Programmed: 8/2/01
Total Channels: 44
Tempo: 175
Speed: 004
It all started about 8 months ago. I had just come out of a tracking
slump and wanted to work on another song. Somehow, I managed to start this
off. I was impressed with myself. I thought it was going to be the
greatest thing I had ever made. Then I developed severe paranoia. At
the time, I was working on a computer with terribly bad sectors
due to my throwing it on the ground and standing on it. Every time I would
work on a song, it would freeze up and there was nothing I could do but
sit and watch it throw away what I worked so hard on. That was why I threw
it. Luckily, it stopped doing that... then it just decided to ruin
everything after I saved it. Sure it was my fault... but I still blame
communism... I decided to save the 12 patterns I had worked on in about
30 different spots to make sure I did'nt lose it. Then I just stopped
using the computer and waited to get a new one. 8 months have gone by and
here I am. I decided to finish it a couple weeks after my elevator hit,
"The Waiting Room Blues". I think the end product is something to still be
very proud of. It sounds particularly violent... I like violence... The
name came from my moving to L.C. (Lincoln City for you not so hip
people...) My dad had been using the phrase culture shock a lot. Mainly
stating that it was gonna take time to adjust to things and how surprising
this new environment at the ocean will be at first. Being the creative
whiz kid that I am... I used the phrase... yeah... Enjoy?
"The faucet gods told me I had permission to look through the tunnel."
-Not you