Round Robin

OpenMPT XM 1.04
671523 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                ____ _/
               /    \\/_______  ________    .,xxXXXXxx,.             ___ _/
              /    _ \/       \/        \ .XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. ____     /   \\/
             /     /    _     /          xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx    \   /    /
            /     /    /     /     __    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX     \ /    /
           /     /    /     /     (X/   _XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _    X    /
          /_____/----/     /    ____   / `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' X)  /    /
     \_ ____________/     /\____\  /__/   `XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' /        /
     \//   __      /     /     / \/  /      `^^XXXXX^^'"__/\_______/
     /     Z/_____/_    /     /     /   __   \/     /   __       \
   _/______        /  __     /     /    Z/   /     /    \X)______/_
  /      X/       /   /     /     /     /         /     /         /
 /_______________/___/     /_____/_____/ \       /_______________//\
------------------- /_____/!NE7 --------- \     / -------------- /__\ --
                                           \___/                  /

                              Brings you
               ROUND ROBIN (Tell me what you want me to do)


                 Type -=> Music
                   Platform -=> PC
                      Format -=> FastTracker ][ (XM)
                         Length -=> 07:38
                            Made by -=> 15 ARTISTS!!! (credits below!!!!)

                          R E L E A S E | N O T E S

                So, what's the idea here? Let me explain.....
                We start of with only 4 samples and 1 artist!
                1st artist makes 2 patterns and passes to the
                Next artist! Next adds a  sample & 2 patterns
                And the cycle continues until we reach 1Mbyte
                In size! Hell yeah! This is our first biggest
                Collab release yet! 15 artist came together..
                To bring you Round Robin, which initially was
                Only a placeholder name, but we couldn't come
                Up with a proper name for it, so we decided..
                to leave it like that!! :-)..................


           DeMOSic, DMA-Sc, LooPeR231, Nicco1690, TheDuccinator,
           SkylarZYX, FADE, ThaCuber, Aleksi Knutsi, MegaSparky,
              Crisps, Alexmush, Ko0x, Ulrick, Jaezu, Kat.Brush,
                         The Mad Doctor, Manical.

              We all left a small message for you to read here!

                   "why did nobody else stereo"   -alexmush

                           "amen break"           -ThaCuber

              "I have gone trance mode on this one, these 2
               patterns were still worth making tho!
               Greets to moonshine, xyz studio and everyone
               at flashparty!"                   -SkylarZYX

                     "listen for the bongo man"      -F/\DE

              "i wanna continue this robin stuff :D
               i really liked it"                -Kat.brush

              "Looper's WHIRLING in for a wavy greeting to
               Moonshine and Nectarine <3"       -LooPeR231

              "I started this and ended this.
               this was fun :D"                    -DeMOSic

              "This module was cool, not as cool as the
               summer in antarctica though. Greetz to
               Mark0, MoonShine, Disaster Area,
               System of Sound, Up Rough, and the
               Amiga Wafflers!"
               P.S. XSM is a mega crossfailer!!!   -Manical

              "the people who are far older than us
               are going to read this and think i
               have nothing of value to say and it
               is true, i have nothing of value to
               say except that i made you focus on
               the big screen for no reason" -aleksi knutsi

                     "Don't quote me on that"         -ko0x

              "I made this before I knew "how to compose"
               decently, so my patterns really aren't
               that notable here. But it was fun working
               on this regardless :)"            -Nicco1690

                     "Wer das liest ist doof."       -jaezu

              "It was fun participating in this module
               project! It was cool seeing other 
               people.s styles and twists!"  -TheDuccinator

              "As I was second on this, I added a
               bassline on the break beat, along
               variations of that beat."               -dma

                     "I forgor this existed"        -Crisps

              "Back in 2022, when we founded MoonShine
               I didn't expect it to expand this far.
               I guess you could say that this is a
               celebration of MoonShine, and it shows
               what the group is all about: a place
               for old and new scene
               geeks to have fun!"              -MegaSparky

              "First, I had to re-learn OpenMPT a bit
               (the hardest part for me). I added a
               melodic part using a synth sample
               taken from a Chiptune bank
               (I had to reduced its size A LOT!)
               then I applied some wobble effect to
               TheDuccinator's bass instrument."    -ulrick

              "Hello, this is The Mad Doctor.
               I didn't even remember this song
               when deMOSic tagged me on discord.
               I thought the first part was decent
               while the second one was kind of shitty.
               well that's all I have to say
               I'm leavin, bye!"            -The Mad Doctor

             At last, MoonShine wants to send hugs and kisses
             to EVERYONE @ Flashparty ova there! <3
             Demoscene foreva!!!!!!
/MoonShine - Home of the real Stars!                       /gfx-ne7/nfo-lpr


Source Name Folder
Modarchive ms_rr.xm modarchive_2023_additions/XM/M/


# Name Used in Size
1. No name 10448 ▶️
2. No name 3072 ▶️
3. No name 5440 ▶️
4. No name 4960 ▶️
5. No name 15584 ▶️
6. No name 59130 ▶️
7. No name 56688 ▶️
8. No name 3036 ▶️
9. No name 43980 ▶️
10. No name 27721 ▶️
11. No name 6844 ▶️
12. No name 54442 ▶️
13. No name 42239 ▶️
14. No name 35840 ▶️ 92%:
Tell me what you want me to do!
15. No name 49054 ▶️
16. No name 17596 ▶️
17. No name 3 other modules 31378 ▶️
18. No name 32266 ▶️
19. No name 1 other modules 22 ▶️
20. No name 8446 ▶️
21. No name 55849 ▶️ 95%:
Shu- selling your
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster