i didn't want this.
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 147332 bytes
- BPM:
- 128
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 14
- Song Length:
- 42
- Samples:
- 24
- Instruments:
- 64
- Patterns:
- 37
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 505
- SHA1:
- 60a9bd332ab32757d087a487756a37859393ff58
- MD5:
- 21a34a2442134cdab0d8cc4627ba0c3d
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
i didn't want this.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Zest/ |
- only sample 11 was
- modified - some over-
- drive added with the
- volume command in
- the ft2 editor...
- all other samples are
- the same as they were.
- composed by zest
- please see instrument
- 21 and up, for more
- info (my e-mail addy)
- oh yeah, the samples
- are the same, I added
- loop points, vol. and
- panning env's.
- that's all.
- and i accidentally
- cleared the names of
- the instruments :|
- shouldn't matter tho'
- cause you can click
- the instr. and see the
- sample names if you
- like.
- there's my e-mail
- address, on the next
- "page" - if you're
- reading this from ft2.
- You should be. Cause
- players (incl.cubic)
- allways fucks up my
- tewns =[
- to all those of you
- who think this sucks:
- i think so too. if you
- happened to like any
- of my previous work,
- please try to ignore
- this piece. I'll never
- do it again. promise.
- :e:mail:
- zest@bentdesign.com
- :visit:chill:
- http://www.
- bentdesign.com/chill
- no copyright claims
- no greetings
- no nothing
- oh yeah, did i mention
- i scaled down some of
- the samples to make
- everything fit the
- 150K limit ....
- well, i did now ..
- ... anyway ..
- .. I'm outtahere.. <Z>
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