This is a remake of my very first OpenMPT piece, from march 2022.
The inspiration for the melody starting at pattern 2, channel 3, came from a dream I had back in 2021,
where I read the notes 'La, la, la, mi, mi, re, mi' on a paper, and as I was reading,
it sounded like Beethoven's Ode to joy, but I knew those weren't the actual notes in the song.
When I woke up, I played those notes on an app I had to see how they would sound in real life.
I liked it, and on the following months I tried to make a full piece and added more things on another software,
but it was a simpler one and not of the tracker kind, I also never managed to arrange the composition in a way I liked.
Then in march 2022 I found out about OpenMPT and tried to compose my tune in it, but as it was my first try,
it sounded very amateur, fast forward to may 2022, I was more experienced and did this remake.
I wanted to give my tune a name that references Ode to joy because of the dream I had,
but the slow-paced, melancholic rhytm makes it the opposite of a joyful song, so I named it 'Joyless'.