
unknown (0891) IT 8.88
16452275 bytes
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 |                                                                    |
 |  Saga Musix presents: Tapdancer (3:57)                             |

Finally, after two years it's time for another trance track!
I have lots of old trance snippets (like the origin of  this  track),   but
way too often I listen to this muddy mess and think I  can  never  turn  it
into a proper track. Yet, this time I gave it a try and after a few  hours,
it sounded much better than the original.  I  should  do  this  more  often
and ignore that the snippet sounds terrible... :)
And I really like the outcome. Very  crisp  sound,   nice  instruments  and
upbeat  melodies  that  make  me  dance  in  my  chair.   And,   completely
unexpected, I somehow managed to rank 2nd in the streamed  music  compo  at
Revision 2020 - something I have never managed at any of the  previous  big
easter parties. Maybe it was due to the broken playback the first  time  my
track was played...? :P

 -Saga Musix, 13th of April 2020


Greeting fly out to all Revision 2020  participants  and  organizers,   and
all the great people in Sofa World making this  almost  feel  like  a  real
demoparty! Extra greets to:
Alkama, bacter, d0dge, dfox,   dojoe,   Dune,   Eat-Drink-Fuck,   fgenesis,
Gargaj, Gaspode, glxblt, h0ffman, havoc,   Ixion,   jco,   JosSs,   Kabuto,
kaomau, kb, Kuemmel, leia, LJ, MedO, mo3, Netpoet, Nightmare,  noby,   pro,
Raven, RbR, rc55, RoccoW,  T$,   TropicalTrevor,   Uctumi,   v3nom,   Velo,
virgill, wayfinder, Wurstgetrank, xq and everyone I forgot.


This work is (c) 2020 by Saga Musix and bacter  and  is  licensed  under  a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Track information:
- Made between 25th of April 2019 and 8th of April 2020
- Released into the streamed music competition at Revision 2020 (2nd place)

Please use OpenMPT 1.28+ to play this track.


You can contact me via e-mail at info@sagamusix.de.
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: sagamusix@s3m.it (preferred)
- ICQ: 324324485
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
  (Nick = Saga_Musix)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- https://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- https://sagagames.de/ - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
  games and applications and other stuff.
- https://openmpt.org/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

The source of the samples are indicated in the filename of the samples.
- X5DR: From my Korg X5DR
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection
- loopmasters: From the Loopmasters SFX Collection 02
- Kick 2: From the Sonic Academy Kick 2 VSTi
- S80 CD: From the sample CD that came with the Yamaha S80
- XV-5080: From my Roland XV-5080
- freesound: By marvman, CC0
- AN1x: From my Yamaha AN1x
- JayB: From JayB's sample collection
- Triton: From my Korg Triton Rack

Take care!


Source Name Folder
Modland tapdancer.mptm OpenMPT MPTM/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. Regenzeit 066 428662 ▶️ 74%:
Thanks for watching!
2. Regenzeit 072 493636 ▶️ 81%:
3. Regenzeit 078 501491 ▶️ 84%:
Thanks for watching.
4. Regenzeit 084 500810 ▶️ 86%:
the room home home
5. R8Hat_C05 1 other modules 1859 ▶️
6. R8Hat_C02 2 other modules 2882 ▶️
7. R8Hat_O05 16975 ▶️
8. R8Hat_O06 16305 ▶️
9. sfx02_fall_freakshift 105840 ▶️ 84%:
Bron choice
10. wafx2_cymbalfx_marsattack 224514 ▶️
11. CA 03_C0 23565 ▶️
12. 26660_altemark_ride03 52113 ▶️
13. ST7TASA 1 other modules 16000 ▶️
14. Track23 77824 ▶️
15. A49 UnivDrKit TranceSnare 5 other modules 52644 ▶️
16. A44 TouchUr303 9710 ▶️
17. A44 TouchUr303 9716 ▶️
18. A44 TouchUr303 9696 ▶️
19. A44 TouchUr303 9722 ▶️
20. A44 TouchUr303 9741 ▶️
21. A44 TouchUr303 9728 ▶️
22. A44 TouchUr303 9746 ▶️
23. A49 UnivDrKit Crash 192414 ▶️ 82%:
24. A21 Castagnet 309906 ▶️ 69%:
Thanks for watching!
25. ClapVerb 53047 ▶️
26. Shaker-Menu 062 38912 ▶️
27. 58876__marvman__tambourin 60316 ▶️
28. Arty 072 22527 ▶️
29. Arty 078 21729 ▶️
30. Arty 084 21777 ▶️
31. JB_Uplift_01 479234 ▶️ 73%:
Thanks for watching!
32. Dolphin Ride 755490 ▶️ 87%:
33. A49 UnivDrKit Clap 77823 ▶️
34. HHODA 46702 ▶️
35. Lunatic 066 281006 ▶️
36. Lunatic 072 259869 ▶️
37. Lunatic 078 122954 ▶️
38. Lunatic 084 117146 ▶️
39. Lunatic 090 100764 ▶️
40. BoosterBips2 626192 ▶️ 63%:
Thanks for watching!


  1. Supersaw
  2. DX Bass
  3. 3: Kick 2
  4. Noise Snare
  5. A28 Regenzeit
  6. Menacing Bass
  7. 6: M1
  8. Downshift
  9. FX Crash
  10. Reverb Kick
  11. Ride
  12. Bells
  13. Stomper Bass
  14. Snare 909
  15. Hi Strings
  16. Perc Loop
  17. Rolling Snare
  18. Acid 1
  19. Acid 2
  20. Acid 3
  21. Acid 4
  22. Acid 5
  23. Acid 6
  24. Acid 7
  25. Less Menacing Bass
  26. Crash
  27. Uplift
  28. PortaPluck
  29. Big Snare
  30. ClapVerb
  31. Shaker
  32. Tambourine
  33. Ld-009 Arty
  34. Uplift
  35. Dolphin Ride
  36. Reverb Clap
  37. Hat 909
  38. Ld-031 Lunatic
  39. BoosterBips2
  40. Sync Aceed
  41. Overdrive 303

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster