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No name |
23 other modules
3614 |
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To Be Broken - To Be Shatt |
16548 |
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ered Mix. by Wolf. This |
15 other modules
37834 |
4. |
is a remix of a song that |
5. |
Ellipse and I made just a |
6. |
few short hours ago. I be |
7. |
lieve this is the best wor |
8. |
k we've done yet. We have |
92 other modules
4138 |
9. |
already released an album, |
10. |
entitled "Glycerine," and |
11. |
it is available on tape on |
33 other modules
354 |
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ly in Bloomington/Normal, |
358 other modules
8348 |
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Illinois (as that is where |
37 other modules
6922 |
14. |
we live), so if you want t |
15. |
o get in touch with us, e- |
6704 |
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mail me at "benreed@expert |
17. |
.cc.purdue.edu" or snailma |
18. |
il: 218 Willard Avenue, Bl |
17 other modules
636 |
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oomington, IL 61701-5653. |
133 other modules
10698 |
20. |
Tapes are a mere $5 + ship |
276 other modules
2488 |
21. |
pping and all that jive, ' |
291 other modules
2366 |
22. |
cause I really don't care |
287 other modules
2344 |
23. |
all that much about a prof |
288 other modules
2352 |
24. |
it, I just like knowing th |
316 other modules
2428 |
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at it's getting out there. |
280 other modules
3948 |
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I am releasing this throug |
297 other modules
2366 |
27. |
h Defiance, as that is the |
263 other modules
2544 |
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major channel I have to re |
5 other modules
5300 |
29. |
lease this as a preview of |
165 other modules
784 |
30. |
our upcoming album, expect |
161 other modules
1012 |
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ed to be released after su |
164 other modules
924 |
32. |
mmer, '95. We don't even |
180 other modules
742 |
33. |
have a working title, but |
34. |
we had so much fun making |
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the last album we figured |
36. |
we'd do it again. :) I t |
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hink I've done enough jabb |
38. |
ering and have strained yo |
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ur eyes enough as it is, s |
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o until next time. Greets |
90 other modules
31366 |
41. |
as always go to those in D |
36570 |
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efiance, Tranzik F/X, and |
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all those other groups wit |
44. |
h people I know in them. : |
45. |
), and everyone in #trax, |
46. |
if I missed anyone in that |
47. |
last run. |
48. |
49. |
This song, as far as I've |
50. |
tested, only works in IPla |
51. |
y (and without the panning |
52. |
effects), as it is very lo |
53. |
ng. Even Scream Tracker h |
54. |
as problems with the later |
55. |
patterns, and *IT MADE IT* |
56. |
, so be warned. DMP also |
57. |
has major problems, but th |
58. |
en, doesn't it always? |