Tech Star

OpenMPT 1.17 IT 8.88
2290783 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


   /                                                              /
  /    * SAGA MUSIX - TECH STAR (3:22) *                         /

Pheww...  I really  have to release this tune now.  I started this tune
in  November 2007, improved  it all the  time and then  wanted to enter
Streamed  Music compo  at Breakpoint  2008, but  there were  roughly 60
entries and approx. 20 of them were played, but not  mine. I  was a bit
disappointed since I really liked this tune and  many other people told
me that it was in fact better than some of the tunes that were actually
played in the compo. But I stop complaining now. :-P
I hope you have fun with this little peace of "synthpop techno" that is
kinda dedicated  to Elwood's old  synthpop modules which I really love.
This  module doesn't rely  too heavily on VST plugins,  but I recommend
downloading them  and  using  OpenMPT  for playback  since  it  greatly
enhances  the listening  experience. If you  can't use OpenMPT  for any
reason, you can also download the MP3 version at my website.
_/__/     _/__
/  / ave  /   un!

  .:                                       :::::::..
 .:   Contact information and other stuff   .::::::::::::.

- This module and its pattern data is (c) 2007 - 2008 by Saga Musix.
- Feel free to write any comments to!
- You can also visit my web sites:
  -> - download free music! (german and english)
  -> - here you can find free programmes and
     cool freeware games, written by me! (german only)

- Project started: 16.11.2007
  Project finished: 20.03.2008

- Please play this module only in OpenMPT with the plugins installed.
  You may also download the mp3 version, this one won't cause that much
  trouble. Get the plugins at
  Any decent IT player like XMPlay (NOT Winamp!) will sound okay, too.

Greetz fly out to:
Everyone I met at Breakpoint 2008,  especially  elfan, JoR, Prince and
Wansti. More  greetings  go to EdgarTheFace,  Gopher,  Zatzen, Midget,
Maali,  Gargaj,  Genju,  everyone   at  #modarchive  and  #mod_shrine,
everyone who likes my music and games and of course YOU!

(------------- sample credits -------------)

The sources are marked  in the filenames of the  samples. Explanation
of all sources:
Yamaha CS1x: My synthesiszer :)
waveworld: From TMA waveworld sample collection
Breathcube: From the song generator "Breathcube"
SGM-180: From the SGM-180 soundfont
FutureRetro7, MoogProdigy, Guitar1: From an analog synth sample collection
Rebirth+mda: samples from the Rebirth softsynth, optimized with mda plugins
unknown: doh :-P
Neo187: Got that sample from Neo187 aka EdgarTheFace

AWS_FUTU.XM: From "Future Dreams" by Awesome
PLEASURE.XM: From "Pleasure" by Aberration
gods.mod: From "gods" by Richard Joseph (RIP)
UNK.XM: From "Unkown Phuture" by Elwood
VR_TECH.XM: From "Technical Difficults" by SoundBlaist
tunnel.xm: From "War" by Awesome
track4.s3m: From Track 4 from "Death Rally" by Purple Motion
PSY03.DMF - From "One Day" by Zatzen


 till the next release!
- jojo aka saga musix -


Source Name Folder
Modarchive IT/S/
Modarchive modarchive_2008_additions/IT/S/
Modland tech Impulsetracker/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. Strings 2 other modules 52222 ▶️
2. Hi-Hat techno short.wav 15043 ▶️
3. Hi-Hat techno short.wav 23912 ▶️
4. bad bass drum 1 other modules 3034 ▶️
5. bazz 2 other modules 5082 ▶️
6. ntitled
7. st-01:arpeg1b1 1176 ▶️
8. st-01:arpeg1b1 1372 ▶️
9. st-01:arpeg1b1 1530 ▶️
10. lead 36 other modules 111201 ▶️ 90%:
Byeeeeeeee Nom!
11. ynth Sweep
12. Beep 51666 ▶️
13. Annihilt.wav 19581 ▶️
14. spacy fx 140414 ▶️ 80%:
Thanks for watching!
15. Chinese cymb 35496 ▶️
16. untitled 54 other modules 34516 ▶️
17. 02BASSDRUM 10709 ▶️
18. acid1.wav 42932 ▶️ 55%:
check out my matured
19. industrial1.wav 83472 ▶️
20. tackPad (ckayulan)
21. 56
22. tandard1 s ( . . 1
23. HOUSE 6 . 4 8 11 other modules 33344 ▶️
24. Closed hihat 9177 ▶️
25. Open hihat 1 other modules 66388 ▶️
26. TR-9o9 Crash Compressor.w 2 other modules 39877 ▶️
27. Clap-e Hall.wav 6 other modules 17436 ▶️
28. 56
29. STAT3S7.WAV 6 other modules 8246 ▶️
30. otzbeate I A
31. HALLBDRM.SMP 3 other modules 30951 ▶️
32. Tamb 2 other modules 10682 ▶️
33. Overdrive TR-808 Snare 3 other modules 8836 ▶️
34. 4 osc full open pw.wav 3 other modules 121398 ▶️
35. osc w effects modulation
36. white 22052 ▶️
37. Bass 3 other modules 35232 ▶️
38. Beeper 33 other modules 29622 ▶️
39. ynthBasses
40. Open Filter 2 1 other modules 84470 ▶️
41. SequentialCircuitsProphet 131133 ▶️
42. quare Wave
43. ntitled
44. ntitled
45. ntitled
46. ntitled
47. ntitled


  1. Strings
  2. Closed Hi-Hat 909
  3. Open Hi-Hat 909
  4. bass drum
  5. bazz
  6. buzz1
  7. buzz1
  8. buzz1
  9. LEaD
  10. Beep
  11. 303
  12. spacy fx
  13. Chinese Cymbal
  14. Funky Drumline!
  15. Bass Drum
  16. Acid Bass
  17. Industrial Bass
  18. Electric Tom
  19. Real Closed Hi-Hat
  20. Real Open Hi-Hat
  21. TR-9o9 Crash Compressor
  22. Clap 909
  23. 909 Snare
  24. Hall
  25. Tambourine
  26. 808 Snare
  27. Elektro Pad / Analogue Bu
  28. White Noise
  29. Mellow Bass
  30. Beepy Lead
  31. Open Filter
  32. Guitar Pluck

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster