evolved illogical mindset

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.14
316740 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


D# E G G# A# C C# D#

65280                        uselessly refined envelopes

        V0LUME C0N7R0L 15 A 1/8" 57ERE0 PH0NE PLU6 F0R HEADPH0NE5 0R
        EX7ERNAL 5PEAKER5. 7HE NEX7 1/8" PH0NE PLU6 15 F0R A 600 0HM
        D4NAM1C M1CR0PH0NE. 7HE J04571CK P0R7 15 1DEN71CAL 70 7HE 57ANDARD
        PC 6AME C0N7R0L ADAP7ER. 17 U5E5 AN ANAL06 J04571CK W17H A 15-P1N
        D-5U8 C0NNEC70R, AND 5UPP0R75 AN4 50F7WARE 7HA7 U5E5 7HE 57ANDARD
        PC J04571CK. 7HE J04571CK P0R7 ADDRE55 15 200H 7HRU 207H. 1F 40U
        ALREAD4 HAVE A 6AME 1/0 P0R7 0N 40UR PC, 40U MU57 D15A8LE
        WH1CHEVER P0R7 (6AME 1/0 0R 6AME AUD10) 40U D0 N07 1N7END 70 U5E.

play this file in impulse tracker 2.14 patch 5 or higher!
make sure to have MMX filtering ON!
mikit also works, but isn't as accurate.












"the music box" is the name given to an easy-to-play instrument i saw for

sale for fifty bucks in a craft store once. i don't remember why i was in

a craft store but that doesn't matter anyhow. it's an instrument with

about twenty or so strings on it, each tuned to a different note (maybe

twenty-four strings since that would be two octaves), and it had peices of

music that you slid under it telling you which strings to pluck when to be

able to play songs. it was horribly out of tune. playing a certain number

of strings (nine i guess) one to the next gave a cool dissonant melody. i

hummed it out in my head and figured the note sequence out, trying not to

forget before i got home and tracked it out. go to pattern one, row

sixty-four and hit f-seven for the original product from my memory.


                                     boy, you're a curious one aren't you?

"ffo_kcol_llorcs ,ffo_kcol_spac ,no_kcol_mun"

        *let it get inside your head and it will never get out
        l*et it get inside your head and it will never get out
        le*t it get inside your head and it will never get out
        let* it get inside your head and it will never get out
        let *it get inside your head and it will never get out
        let i*t get inside your head and it will never get out
        let it* get inside your head and it will never get out
        let it *get inside your head and it will never get out
        let it g*et inside your head and it will never get out
        let it ge*t inside your head and it will never get out
        let it get* inside your head and it will never get out
        let it get *inside your head and it will never get out
        let it get i*nside your head and it will never get out
        let it get in*side your head and it will never get out
        let it get ins*ide your head and it will never get out
        let it get insi*de your head and it will never get out
        let it get insid*e your head and it will never get out
        let it get inside* your head and it will never get out
        let it get inside *your head and it will never get out
        let it get inside y*our head and it will never get out
        let it get inside yo*ur head and it will never get out
        let it get inside you*r head and it will never get out
        let it get inside your* head and it will never get out
        let it get inside your *head and it will never get out
        let it get inside your h*ead and it will never get out
        let it get inside your he*ad and it will never get out
        let it get inside your hea*d and it will never get out
        let it get inside your head* and it will never get out
        let it get inside your head *and it will never get out
        let it get inside your head a*nd it will never get out
        let it get inside your head an*d it will never get out
        let it get inside your head and* it will never get out
        let it get inside your head and *it will never get out
        let it get inside your head and i*t will never get out
        let it get inside your head and it* will never get out
        let it get inside your head and it *will never get out
        let it get inside your head and it w*ill never get out
        let it get inside your head and it wi*ll never get out
        let it get inside your head and it wil*l never get out
        let it get inside your head and it will* never get out
        let it get inside your head and it will *never get out
        let it get inside your head and it will n*ever get out
        let it get inside your head and it will ne*ver get out
        let it get inside your head and it will nev*er get out
        let it get inside your head and it will neve*r get out
        let it get inside your head and it will never* get out
        let it get inside your head and it will never *get out
        let it get inside your head and it will never g*et out
        let it get inside your head and it will never ge*t out
        let it get inside your head and it will never get* out
        let it get inside your head and it will never get *out
        let it get inside your head and it will never get o*ut
        let it get inside your head and it will never get ou*t
        let it get inside your head and it will never get out*
        and you will reject everyone and be proud to be unique


Source Name Folder
Modarchive gl-evolv.it IT/G/gl-evolv.it.zip
Modarchive gl-evolv.it G/GL/gl-evolv.it.zip
Altered Perception Archive GL-EVOLV.IT q/qd-evolv.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. ......................... 1 other modules 94711 ▶️
2. evolved illogical mindset 66000 ▶️ 55%:
3. ......................... 6500 ▶️
4. .. 6500 ▶️
5. an experimental . . 6500 ▶️
6. journey into an .... 48494 ▶️
7. uncharted world !. .. .! 65280 ▶️ 77%:
8. parallel to our . .. . 1 other modules 3100 ▶️
9. own except very ........ 20057 ▶️
10. heavily stirred /./ 46300 ▶️
11. up (and vomited /./ *
12. back up into my *\.\
13. eyes and yours) /./
14. which is not to \.\ *
15. say it wouldn't /./
16. be the same way /./ *
17. for someone who \.\ *
18. started on (and ...\
19. was moulded by) .../
20. the other side. /\
22. by goule of quiet data
23. mailto:goule@idirect.ca
24. http://qd.webjump.com
26. sample credits:
27. 1 8 9 10 me
28. 3 4 5 stereoman?
29. 2 6 7 unknown
31. press shift-f9 for some
32. more info and a whole
33. bunch of crap,
34. just taking up precious
35. bytes on your disk


  1. echoed pick
  2. echoed pick
  3. echoed pick
  4. echoed pick
  5. echoed pick
  6. echoed pick
  7. echoed pick
  8. echoed pick
  9. ambient synth
  10. echo drums
  11. ambience soundeffects
  12. distorted filter
  13. distorted filter
  14. distorted filter
  15. distorted filter
  16. distorted filter
  17. distorted filter
  18. filtered metal drum
  19. electro bass
  20. computer noises
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster