And so the eternal question - what
our life is supposed to exist for?
Will we find the answer? We will,
if we think globaly. But thinnking about
everything is just like thinking about nothing.
Our human minds are useless in
thinking about endless spaces.
We of course can think of them in theory,
but we wont ever be available of
controlling them. That's why the
question of endless life has a
simple answer - nothing endless
exists. And the question of the
sense of life can never be solved.
So let's think our life is just
for our life.
...and so, after you've read all
that bullshit...
Hi there.
This is a new theme by zZz //[KCN].
^^^^^^^^this word has been found in CS dictionary:)
I hope you'll like it. But if you
wont, dont be angry with me -
it's my first work in such style.
(btw, what's the style?)
greetz: [KCN]research group, including
& Dimon (d'u remember he's a member?:))
ps: i really like long comments ;)))))