=Circuits of LigHt=
- Format:
- MadTracker 2.0 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 484159 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 2
- Channels:
- 20
- Song Length:
- 87
- Samples:
- 25
- Instruments:
- 128
- Patterns:
- 51
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 1001
- SHA1:
- 5210109cf1f4a2073d275c16ac7299b8be8fd606
- MD5:
- 58a7809b01d2263ec2e1b99977ffd871
Source | Name | Folder |
Fading Twilight | CI_LIGHT.XM | TUNEZ/T/TIMBRAL/XM/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | No name | 6 other modules | 40022 | ▶️ | |
2. | No name | 538 | ▶️ | ||
3. | No name | 8 other modules | 4259 | ▶️ | |
4. | No name | 51 other modules | 11682 | ▶️ | |
5. | No name | 127 other modules | 9180 | ▶️ | |
6. | No name | 59 other modules | 1644 | ▶️ | |
7. | No name | 356 other modules | 4688 | ▶️ | |
8. | block | 40 other modules | 2428 | ▶️ | |
9. | No name | 34742 | ▶️ | 58%:
10. | No name | 36 other modules | 24060 | ▶️ | |
11. | No name | 42 other modules | 28922 | ▶️ | |
12. | No name | 48 other modules | 29166 | ▶️ | |
13. | No name | 81 other modules | 35692 | ▶️ | |
14. | No name | 1 other modules | 4880 | ▶️ | |
15. | No name | 4 other modules | 44646 | ▶️ | |
16. | No name | 93 other modules | 16548 | ▶️ | |
17. | No name | 17584 | ▶️ | ||
18. | No name | 14 other modules | 1308 | ▶️ | |
19. | No name | 69 other modules | 3970 | ▶️ | |
20. | No name | 538 | ▶️ | ||
21. | No name | 538 | ▶️ | ||
22. | No name | 538 | ▶️ | ||
23. | No name | 538 | ▶️ | ||
24. | NoName | 74 other modules | 18078 | ▶️ | |
25. | NoName | 19 other modules | 55655 | ▶️ |
- -=Circuits of LigHt=-
- ======================
- by: X-tRemE CoLouR @
- of: tHe LeGenDs @
- =====================
- Play in:
- BPM. 125
- Spd. 02
- =tHe LeGenDs iS bACk=
- ===witH a neW beAt===
- =And mORe WiLL cOMe==
- ===wE gUAraNtee!!====
- =====================
- =tHeRe aRe 3 pLACeS=
- =LEft iN tHe LeGenDs=
- ======================
- =sO, if yA wAnnA jOin=
- =uS, yA ShOuLd mAiL=
- ======(mE)===========
- martin.knutsson@
- mbox300.swipnet.se
- ====(BluE CirKle)=====
- bo.stahlsparre@
- mailbox.swipnet.se
- ====mail us both====
- ==demo song and tell==
- something about yaself
- ====in your letter====
- *ObS! ya don't have to
- be A super musicmaker
- just X-PeRienCeD with
- FT2 or whAt yOu uSe!!!
- ==We'll mAil yOu iNfO=
- ====if yOu wANt=====
- ======================
- ===<CurreNt CreW>===
- X-tRemE CoLouR @
- BluE CirKle @
- =At tHe mOmeNt tHerE=
- ==aRe 3 plAceS Left==
- =dOn't fOrGet OuR bAd=
- =jOkeS iN tHe bOttOm=
- ====of tHis, eH?======
- =Hmmm, reAd [61-80]=
- ==aNd C wHat I mEAn==
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- loOk Out 4 tHe LeGenDs
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- =if yOu wAnt mUsiC 4=
- A deMO Or sOmetHiN'?
- ==wE dO it 4 A smAll==
- =======fee========
- \\| |// tHe
- (@ @) LeGenDs
- __ooO( )Ooo___________
- ======================
- =sOme iNfO abOut uS=
- /==============\
- |===tHe LeGenDs===|
- |===StArteD aS A===|
- |=tRAcKEr-GrOuP iN=|
- |=jAnuAry [97] WitH=|
- |=====XC & BC=====|
- \==============/
- aS yOu mAybE AlreAdy
- ==HAvE fiGureD Out==
- XC= X-tRemE CoLouR
- BC= BluE CirKle
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- tHiS wAs jUst A remArk
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- ======================
- tHe LeGenDs gReetS tO
- =/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\=
- =\^/\^/\^/\^/\^/\^/=
- =MoRBiD MiNDS who iS=
- ===Our iDeal. it wAS==
- =beCAuse Of tHeM wE=
- StARteD tHe LeGenDs
- ====sO seRiOuSly====
- ***/---\**************
- *-=| .\ /.| =-/\*****
- ***( | | )***\ \__
- ** _/| (__)|\_//\ /*
- */== (_--_)//==\/*****
- ==-=====//-===|*******
- ==|----|-//--|===|****
- ==\---|//----|===|****
- =WeLL, it iS AccUAlly=
- =hArder tHAn it LoOkS=
- =i meAn tHe "pAiNtiNg"
- =====uP tHeRe======
- \\| | // /|\ uP
- (@ @) | tHerE
- /o ( )
- _ooO__Ooo___________
- ==ouR bAd jOkes iS===
- ====stArtiNg hERe====
- - Excause me but who
- are you?
- -Well... I don't know!
- ==Wahaha..? Naaah...==
- =AcCuAlly tHey StARt=
- =======hERe========
- - Doctor! No one ever
- notices me!
- - Next!
- ======================
- Wahaha!!! A short jOke
- =filleD witH HumOur!=
- Here should be a jOke
- but I haven't greeted
- to:
- All RaverS in tHe
- World
- Greetings to you!!!
- Accually...here should
- be a jOke but...
- (J.R.R Tolkien said)
- Hey! that's a pretty
- good joke!!!
- =====CYA ALL!=========