AcidSoul- Control
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 671912 bytes
- BPM:
- 96
- Speed:
- 2
- Channels:
- 32
- Song Length:
- 100
- Samples:
- 17
- Instruments:
- 43
- Patterns:
- 71
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 2241
- SHA1:
- 5203f8c857a413657192a9cecae51907b5b62680
- MD5:
- b7ef8871bc0f6decf3a94bca84b76242
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
as-ctrl.xm |
XM/A/ |
Modarchive |
as-ctrl.xm |
A/AS/ |
Modland |
acidsoul- control.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Acidsoul/ |
- * ** * ** * ** * ** *
- (( C-O-N-T-R-O-L ))
- * ** * ** * ** * ** *
- Created By AcidSoul
- Of LemonRide 2k1
- 11/12/01
- This track came 2nd in
- the vortex trance
- compo. I lost 1st
- place by 0.3 out of 10
- gee... maybe it was
- because it was so
- cheesey?!?
- Anyways, not bad for
- my first trance track
- :-)
- Hmmm i think i might
- remix time to burn....
- Greets to:
- >Vortex trance compo
- >Specci for beating me
- >DJ Bourg
- >Gammis
- >cRim
- >Warhawk
- >Gargoyle
- >AcidDose
- >Retro
- >Libris
- >Crimson King
- >RedHeat
- And all those i forgot
- PeaceOut
- email:
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