Basty/CDGS proudly presents:
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..D .H.M.
Duration: 2:46 mins
Composed from February, the 26th to the 28th.
Style: Chiptune (I think at least).
Composing time: Over 10+ hourz (including disassembling the whole thing).
Samples: Jochen Hippel (?) (I don't know it).
Channels: 4/4 (Host/Virtual).
Hi freaks ! I'm back with one of the best old AMIGA synthies in modern
ImpulseTracker format. Yes, this oldie wasused in the Jump&Run game 7
Gates of Jambala (I owned it about 8 years ago (the disks got corrupted)).
Since then I missed the music until I got the MODs Anthology Volume One
from Gryzor (Hi, special thanks to you), where I found this one and
a lot of older synthies I knew and really loved and lost in the same
way as this one. This is truly the best CD ever...Please release Volume
Two as soon as possible. I suggest you I will be the first who will buy
it ;-). And so this with the commercial CDs...The BRAVO
Hits costs about 40,- DM and you get 39-41 songs. With the MODs Anthology
you pay about 55,- DM and get 18096 songs...what a difference ! ;-).
I can't describe you how I love this was (is) one of my
favourites. That's why I spend many nights on disassembling the replay
routine. I'm thinking of to convert the other synthies to IT, too
(maybe even to MOD, S3M or XM, if possible). This one was converted from
Hippel (not Hippel-COSO and Hippel-7V), but the Hippel which contains the
playback routines in the module itself. If you know DeliTracker ][, you
probably know (there are 3 Hippels in the DeliPlayer directory). If our
forthcoming TuComposer is complete, I might also code an universal
converter for Hippel files (or a TuComposr loader, for that matter), which
will able you to transfer your Hippel files 99% to TuComposer (I think,
as I don't have examined the file format fully). This also might happen
with FutureComposer 1.3/1.4 and MusicAssembler music. TuComposer has
support for synthies like that. It's powerful synth programming language
will have almost no problems with these old cool formats. Example of
TuComposer-synth I'm thinking off (not the full power is displayed here):
Line . Effect
0000 . SETVOL $FF00 (Set volume to $FF)
0001 . VOLDN $0180 (Slide volume down by 1.5 !!!)
0002 . LOOPCNT $0020 (Loop counter $20 times)
0002 . VIBSPD $0007 (Init vibrato speed to $07)
0003 . VIBDPTH $0010 (Init vibrato depth to $10)
0004 . VIBWAVE $0012 (Use vibrato waveform number $12)
0005 . VOLDN $0080 (Slide volume down by 1/2)
0006 . VIBRATO $0000 (Vibrate with previously initialized variables)
0007 . WAIT $0001 (Wait 1 tick, is required to prevent hang up)
0008 . LOOP $0005 (Loop to line $0005 with initialzed loop counter)
0009 . PORTAUP $4C00 (Portamento up by $4C)
000A . JMP $0000 (Jump to Line $0000 (i.e. restart everything))
000B . SETPAN $CC00 (Set panning to $CC). Note this can only by reached
with TuComposer's Synth Jump effect).
000C . PANNOLO $030A (Vibrate the panning with speed $03, depth $0A).
000D . WAIT $0003 (Wait 3 ticks before going on).
000E . JMP $000C (Jump to line $000C until breaked by command).
000F . END $0000 (Synth processing will be stopped immediately)
You see, the TuComposer synth functions will be extreme powerful. If you
don't understand this at once, don't worry. It was just an information.
I hope that TuComposer prevents the cool synth sounds from being dying
out (it seems that everyone uses only samples toay). Imagine, good old
FM songs with 256 channels using NNAs...a new dimension for music and
the saved .TCM file will be smaller than 40kB...Imagine it...Because my
AMIGA is corrupt at the moment, the whole thing is a little bit delayed
(UAE is too slow for TuComposer on a Pentium MMX-200 for recent use).
But anyway, UAE is a wonderful program, without it I wouldn't be able
to do things like this at the moment. So, but enough about TuComposer
and things like this. Now comes what all you have been waiting for:
((( .H. GR.....GS )))
Scene greetings fly out to (no order):
All CDGS membas, Dragon, Animal, Basehead, DeCaY, Mr.4tune, ViK, Radical
Projekt, Future Crew, TRSi, DEFJAM!, RAZOR 1911, THE BAND, QUARTEX, SKiD
ROW, CuBiC TeAM, Gryzor, OZONE, L4/AFL, Mode-X, ZaSTaR, Chris Jarvis,
Jeffrey Lim and TRiToN, YoU (iF a ScEnER).
Personal greetings (again, no order):
Marcel Rose, Thomas Thuermann, Michael Grosse, Katja Georgi (I love you),
Katja Schoetz, Sascha Heu, Sven Schellberg and Oliver Maruschko, YoU (if
forgotten one person).
That's all for the greetings. Sorry that there are no more comments
about the persons/groups there, but my song messages are always too
long (this one again, jerk). ViK said as a joke: a song is for listening,
not for reading ! However, he is right...
If you want to contact me, please do it ! My E-Mail address is:
If you don't have Internet access, call one of our SuPPoRT SiTeS:
Multibox Berlin (BhQ): +49(0)30 / 757 03 10 6 (offline for unknown reasons
at the moment...Sysop: MCP)
Land Of Mystery (WhQ): +49(0)30 / 688 49 84 (Sysop: ViK)
Digital Nightmare (DiST): +49(0)5121 / 157 10 7 (Sysop: Lukas Grunwald)
So, that's all to say here. Bye Bye ! Happy listening !
:-) Basty (-: