Flightless Pigeon
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 126758 bytes
- BPM:
- 168
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 8
- Song Length:
- 41
- Samples:
- 5
- Instruments:
- 37
- Patterns:
- 15
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 113
- SHA1:
- 47cdb82d6ab3949ba54685d7c20ce77663687040
- MD5:
- 0de6f4e83ab4cee3329e2a069704d4ca
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
flight.xm |
XM/F/flight.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
flight.xm |
F/FL/flight.xm.zip |
Modland |
flightless pigeon.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Dr. Fred/ |
- *****************
- Flight of the
- Flightless Pigeon
- *****************
- Alternative Listening
- By Dr Fred
- From Xiang V3
- Thanks to NOBODY!
- Appart from:
- DJ Speng, CB,
- TJ the DJ, and Termy
- Hi to the rest of the
- group as well as the
- Misperception demo
- Coders!
- Check out the Xiang V3
- Webpage at:
- members.xoom.com/
- xiang_v3
- Misperception webpage:
- come.to/misperception
- Well that's about it!
- If ya have any
- comments then send
- them to
- drfred@onet.co.uk
- BTW!!!! @ means 'at'
- thanks starbreeze!!!!!
- completion date:
- 30/04/99
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