Abstract Feelings v2
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 455279 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 4
- Song Length:
- 35
- Samples:
- 20
- Instruments:
- 128
- Patterns:
- 23
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 89
- SHA1:
- 42992ad40d188438880fbe5822baf74f860e7b0e
- MD5:
- a4b3861562df2e05551fb6a260e28b62
Source | Name | Folder |
scene.org | ABSTRACT.XM | parties/1996/flag96/m4ch/abstract.zip |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | Most la'tom csak, hogy | 2 other modules | 9978 | ▶️ | |
2. | milyen sokat lehet ide | ||||
3. | i`rni. A fene vigye el | ||||
4. | hogy ezt eddig nem --- | ||||
5. | vettem e'szre ........ | ||||
6. | <x> Viszont akkor <x> | 1 other modules | 36167 | ▶️ | |
7. | sem fogom telei`rni... | ||||
8. | |||||
9. | RuFuS | ||||
10. | No name | 2 other modules | 6360 | ▶️ | |
11. | Hicymbal.iff | 2 other modules | 26350 | ▶️ | |
12. | No name | 2 other modules | 3544 | ▶️ | |
13. | No name | 9 other modules | 5890 | ▶️ | |
14. | No name | 1 other modules | 35217 | ▶️ | |
15. | No name | 1 other modules | 201243 | ▶️ | 94%:
Ikh centimeters, and when you wave your feet in the air you're scared that you got far enough and you have to marry a lady!
16. | No name | 2 other modules | 12788 | ▶️ | |
17. | Clau.dat | 1 other modules | 30106 | ▶️ | |
18. | lamma.snare.ripped | 2 other modules | 3062 | ▶️ | |
19. | Final corrections: the | 1 other modules | 11263 | ▶️ | |
20. | Final corrections: the | 1 other modules | 3931 | ▶️ |
- < Abstract Feelings >
- Composed by ..........
- TMA Knight & RoBSoN
- Fucking! drum samples,
- Tracking .............
- TMA Knight
- KABBE voice ..........
- RoBSoN
- We are sure that you -
- will vote for us. Else
- ......................
- Anyway, this is a
- THiTANiUM productum...
- Look for other ThT re-
- leases X-)
- Work time: 2 fucking -
- hours...
- We were in really bad
- mood. TMA Knight is
- very bored and RoBSoN
- is in his BLACK ThT T-
- Shirt. TMA Knight also
- wearing his fucking --
- BLACK coloured -------
- shiT-SHIRT with a big
- ThT logo on its back!
- Why can we call us ---
- THiTANiUM? B-coz we're
- hard as TiTANiUM......
- GIGA-Greetinx at last:
- - CSiTA
- - CHiCK-LoW
- - ILL Gates
- - SaTaN (666)
- - Bagzi Lajcsi
- - Lakatos Zsigmond
- - ToMCaT 3
- - RoToR
- - TaRR
- - Ga'zKonvecktor
- - Anya'd
- - TurHa
- - minden BUZi
- - minden LESZBi
- - minden HETERO
- - BarKasz
- - To'th Imre MATH
- - Hadi Endre PROG
- ( A kurva anya'd)
- - KEX teachers
- - Gipsies
- - Jews
- - SeggHole
- - GiRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- - BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- except KoCa's MOUSE!!!
- Mi lenni okos nagyon -
- vagyunk. Vagy te okos
- mi. Te mi nem mi te.
- KiBaszott (fucking) --
- hejesira'seleno''rzo''
- vindo'zos szuperszar!!
- We gondolni that it's
- the leghosszabbst ----
- song-massage. (E'rted
- a poe'nt? Massage-t --
- i'rtam Message hejett)
- Megeszed a kalapod, ha
- ez nem lesz elso''? --
- RoBSoN GrEEtS: (ABC) -
- - Apa
- - Anya
- - Teso'
- TMA Knight GrEEtS: (?)
- - Apa
- - Anya
- - Teso'
- I can't stop typing. I
- can't stop typing. I c
- an't stop typing......
- Ko'KuSZ GrEEtS: (????)
- - Fuck-ula-chick-low!
- - UUUaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
- - PoyZone
- T H i T A N i U M ....
- Magic word... Magical
- meanings. We are the -
- bests! I (TMA) am the
- coder, the musician &
- the coolest guy.
- RoBSoN is also a coder
- and a musician. All --
- ThT members are coders
- and musicians.........
- BUT at last: We hope -
- you feel all our prodz
- -> SIGNED OFF <-------
- 1996.07.20. | 5:09:20!
- -> Da Fuckin' TMA K <-
Similar sample set
Abstract Feelings v2 | 100% |
SP2.IT | 20% |