# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
Thanks to Necr.s for this 1 |
58 other modules
46080 |
2. |
--------------------------- |
27 other modules
15424 |
3. |
Special thanks to FireLight |
4. |
for the rest of the samps.- |
5 other modules
7516 |
5. |
--------------------------- |
15 other modules
12926 |
6. |
--------------------------- |
10 other modules
14208 |
7. |
My Music Contest ][ entry.. |
214 other modules
23984 |
8. |
--------------------------- |
9. |
HADJI/RAGNAROK...---------- |
7 other modules
17146 |
10. |
--------------------------- |
11. |
hehe! I thought it was so-- |
67 other modules
16352 |
12. |
hard to make a song that--- |
4 other modules
8960 |
13. |
played not fast at the----- |
14. |
speed of 3...well I was---- |
15. |
wrong...It just must be---- |
16. |
balanced out...hehehehehe.. |
17. |
--------------------------- |
18. |
Hadji/Ragnarok...---------- |
19. |
--------------------------- |
20. |
email me at:--------------- |
21. |
snake@netcom.com...for any- |
22. |
reason...------------------ |
23. |
--------------------------- |
24. |
greets go to:-------------- |
25. |
TheSnake/Ragnarok---------- |
26. |
Stammer/Nobody :)---------- |
27. |
Lb/w00p tr00p (hahaha!!:)-- |
28. |
C.C.Catch/Renaissance------ |
29. |
Mosaic/Renaissance--------- |
30. |
Cap'n Crunch/iCE----------- |
31. |
Khyron/ACiD---------------- |
32. |
Poskgubbe/lAmm4s (hehehe)-- |
33. |
ChessMan/SSE (I think :)--- |
34. |
Jello/RELiC---------------- |
35. |
Quarex/Ragnarok------------ |
36. |
SwissPope/Ragnarok--------- |
37. |
The rest of Ragnarok------- |
38. |
Psibelius/Epinicion-------- |
39. |
BlackMagik/Epinicion------- |
40. |
ior/Epinicion(?)----------- |
41. |
iMS/Nobody :)-------------- |
42. |
GodHead/I forgot |)-------- |
43. |
BaseHead/ACiD,KLF---------- |
44. |
MentalFloss (both of 'em :) |
45. |
Lord Soth/iCE-------------- |
46. |
Epeius/I don't know :)----- |
47. |
Stalker (EonRaper)--------- |
48. |
Vinux/I don't know :)------ |
49. |
Maral/KLF------------------ |
50. |
Rao/HaRDCoDE '94----------- |
51. |
RedPenguin/HaRDCoDE '94---- |
52. |
Ink/Psychic Monks (sup? :)- |
53. |
54. |
I'm just quick to release-- |
55. |
this so if yer name aint on |
56. |
the list, don't fret ;)---- |
57. |
Also an extra special greet |
58. |
MUST go to Error...you are- |
59. |
a nice person and thanks--- |
60. |
for getting that for me :)- |
61. |
--------------------------- |
62. |
All finished! Enjoy it! :)- |
63. |
--------------------------- |
64. |
Signoff...............Hadji |
65. |
--------------------------- |
66. |
Once again:snake@netcom.com |
67. |
--------------------------- |