In Darkness I Sink

OctaMED Soundstudio MMD3
900984 bytes
Song Length:
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                       waved his magic wand for you
             presenting an LX Bliss production on 27-Mar-2ooo


                          " S t i l l p o i n t "

                          [ in darkness  i sink ]

                   - athmospheric slo-mo chill trance -

                  (OSS, 12 channels, 108 bpm, 6:23 mins)


                                  i N F O

     This is another one of those "been working on it for ages" songs.
     I started composing on this one about a year ago. Its influenced
     by Saafi Bros., the Space Night compilation series, and a lot of
     the moody ambient/trance I have in stock. :) I wanted to create a
       slow and spacey tune with deep feelings embedded in it - you
      know, that sort of trance/chillout tracks that simply touch you
            so much with their simplistic melodies and beauty.

            And I'm satisfied with the result. I think this is
      one of the most sophisticated tunes I've ever done. The sample
     quality sucks as usual (8 bit) and some samples are quite noisy,
     I couldn't replace them -- for the sake of the mood and sound of
        these samples, I had to leave them in the song. The speech
       samples come from one of Samuel "Orpheus" Gilberts tracks on
     Aminet, and from my answering machine; the other samples have so
     many various sources, I can't remember which are ripped and which
         are self-sampled or added to my sample collection through
                    swapping a couple of years ago. :)


                               P L A Y i N G

      Please use the 14bit mixing routines of your OSS player with a
     high mixing frequency, and other than that, give it time enough,
     play it entirely, it has some of those moments you just wouldn't
     want to miss if you like that sort of music. I just hope that the
      song catches you as much as it catched me while working on it.


                             G R E E T i N G S

   To DJ Nick (nice tunes), all in 1oo%, the trusty usership of my BBS,
    Morten "your bassdrum is too weak" Osted, Frank "Curt Cool" Larsen,
    Razfaz (finish your songs!), mr.E, Chris, Ghandy, Exon,
    Sven "Basic Implant" Toxic, and to the lot of other friendly peeps
             around me for providing motivation & athmosphere.


                               C O N T A C T

     As usual, feedback is highly appreciated, just drop me a line via
         email, is the address, don't hesitate.

     Below some nice comments I received after the release of the past
      couple of modules... thanks a lot for that huge magic potion of
                     motivation, you know who you are:

      `` I just want to comment on the "Wings in the Wind" module you
   composed. I just heard it and, well I love it. I lie, I didn't /just/
     hear it. I heard it 5 times in the space of one hour. [...] your
      module certainly digs it's hooks into you with all those ethnic
                  instruments and the pace. Well done. ''

 `` BTW, I love your music. I download a lot of mods from Aminet, and end
     up deleting most of them. But I'm glad to have wandered into the
  mods/neuro section [...]. Thank you, [...] for some GREAT music. Can't
             wait to delve into your stash there at Aminet. ''


                   Hail to all true trackers out there!



Source Name Folder
SOAMC= mmd3.stillpoint 000/AMIGA/OctaMED_SoundStudio/Neurodancer/
aminet Stillpoint.oss mods/neuro/nd-still.lha
Modland stillpoint (in darkness i sink).mmd3 OctaMED MMD3/Neurodancer/



# Name Used in Size
1. Conga3(Cl-Slap) 1699 ▶️
2. Conga1(Slap) 2750 ▶️
3. Conga3(Op-Slap) 2889 ▶️
4. Conga1(High) 1001 ▶️
5. Bongos1(High) 1938 ▶️
6. drymetalbongo 4292 ▶️
7. resolane 44656 ▶️
8. D-Shot.flt 43830 ▶️ 80%:
9. HoveringBass.flt 11636 ▶️
10. wonderland.c3 52638 ▶️ 72%:
11. drybassdrum.a3 8985 ▶️
12. Bongos3(High) 9591 ▶️
13. Bongos2(Low) 3024 ▶️
14. sineseq 33050 ▶️
15. ripsnare 5120 ▶️
16. tr606clhh 1026 ▶️
17. tr909ophh2 4107 ▶️
18. SG I Understand 18446 ▶️ 98%:
I understand.
19. dx7bass3.c1 9884 ▶️
20. jktv-clash 30167 ▶️
21. SG There is a message for you 21500 ▶️ 99%:
There is a message for you.
22. dx7bass3.c2 10338 ▶️
23. spectrasound2 2036 ▶️
24. D-Swell.flt 65534 ▶️ 68%:
25. HighClean-Sweep.iff 67242 ▶️
26. mirjam.8svx 65383 ▶️ 70%:
Benny, you build a wooden farm and feed the
27. SG It is important that... 1 other modules 31064 ▶️ 100%:
It is important that you believe me.
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster