Basty/LR presents:
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This song works pretty well with older versions of IT (I think 2.06+ or
such, 'cause I don't know which version is required for panning controls
in the volume column).
Composed from September, the 30th, to October, the 1st.
Total composing time was about 2-3 hourz.
Playing time: 2:24 mins
Channels used (Host/Virtual): 9/9
Style: Chip-tune
Samples: Unknown and my own.
This is just another song for the one year jubi-pack of Love Recordz. You
might ask: Love Recordz?? Who's that ?? Well, Love Recordz was TuC in
former days. VIK (Hi !) told me, that another group called TuC is in the
scene and so he invented the name for Love Recordz. We liked it...and so
The united Coders became Love Recordz...
And what this brings to you ? Well, the group's name should be unique
now and avoid causing confusion...and there were also some lame releases
under TuC (Workchipper, etc.) and I hope that this doesn't apply with Love
Recordz. I personally like this chip-tune, because it is REAL chip ! This
tune uses ITs instrument functions to demonstrate the abilities of IT in
making chip-tunes. Sorry for no NNA usage, but that isn't required with
clear square samples like I made. I drew the sample with FastTracker ][.
For the first time, you have a chip tune which uses surround sound ! I
used the pitch envelope to replace the arpeggio (Jxy) command...and it
sounds pretty well...use the pitch's really cool ! I think
all AMIGA & C64 freaks will enjoy this chip tune. I used IT 2.14 for
composing, but saved it in the old 2.xx compatible format, because the new
one is incompatible with existing players (sample compression). I suggest
using MMCMP for compressing your songs. That's all important to say in
this song...enjoy it ! But here are the (long?)awaited greetz:
All Love Recordz membas, of courz !
TRISTAR & RED SECTOR, Inc. (the best group in the world (my opinion))
FUTURE CREW (the best PC-scene group. Sorry, that they're dead)
QUARTEX (was my uncle's group. Dead since 1992 (not quite sure))
LEVEL FOUR / ALPHA FLIGHT (seems to be dead now, but the music and the
intro I have are so fuckin' great)
OZONE (and all other REBELS membas, thanks for the great C64 demo !)
THE INFERNAL DUO (also THE BAND ??? Thanks for the song 'Duo Duo')
RAZOR 1911 (for a fuckin' hot warez !)
DEFJAM! (for ur nice Future Composer 12.3 music used in your Distant Suns
SKiD RoW (4 u hot warez !)
BASEHEAD (for your best songs in the world: Last Request (can't live with-
out it), and Shades Of Night ][ !)
TRiTON (for ur cewl FastTracker ][, I use it still for sampling)
RADiCAL PROJEKT (that's VIK's group. You do a good job, dude !)
Mode-X (fallen (was just alive a short moment) *snief*)
JEFFREY LIM (for da cool IT, of cause)
ZaSTaR (for making one of my favourite ITs, Creation of Gaia)
CHRIS JARVIS (for da cool songs supplied with some IT versions)
All other sceners I've forgotten and aren't lame, of cause.
You (for listen to this song, even if you found it shit !)
Person greetz:
Katja Georgi (Ohh...I love you soo much...ur nice eyes...I hope you
respond my love...have I a chance ?!? I can't live without
you !)
VIK ((in past times Plasmatic) for one of my best friends I ever had)
Dragon (CDGS rulez !)
Sascha Heu (See u at weekend !)
Katja Schoetz (call me !)
Dennis Hahn (as I said, I'll greet you regulary now)
All da real Kelly-Fans (N0 FuCKiN' PADDY/ANGELO SCREAMING GIRLZ !!!)
The Kelly Family (can't await your new album and see you at 27-Nov-1997 !)
That were the most important greetz (or forgotten somebody *shame* !)
If ya want to contact LR for any reasons (we still need some membas,
especially coders for the PC-version of TuComposer. Check out APPLY.FRM !
However, if you got this file without any information, here is a list of
LR support sites:
Land of Mystery (WhQ): +49(0)30 / 688 49 84 (Sysop: VIK)
Multibox Berlin (BhQ): +49(0)30 / 757 03 10 6 (Sysop: MCP)
Ecstasy (DiSTR0): +49(0)30 / 341 29 12 (Sysop: Nighthawk)
Digital Nightmare (DiSTR0): +49(0)5121 / 15 71 07 (Sysop: Lukas Grunwald)
LR's membas are currently (write to 'em in one of our boards (if da want):
Basty (Coder / Musician / Spreader / Organizer / Swapper)
MCP (Gfx-Artist / Trader / Supplier / Spreader)
Leo (Musician)
VIK (Coder / Musician / DIZ-Maker / Supplier / Spreader / Trader /
Dragon (Coder / Musician / Trader / Supplier / Spreader)
So, I told ya enough (more infos are in the TuC.NFO). The apply form is in
:-) Basty (-: