Discovering paradise

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
780987 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder TNK_DPAR.XM parties/1998/pc98/music/



# Name Used in Size
1. x3.Beachwind 23 other modules 89526 ▶️ 78%:
2. By Ryan Cramer
3. Iguana/Renaissance
4. From his Korg X3
5. Korg X5 - Fantasia 2 other modules 41980 ▶️
6. Sampled by Tnk & Maf 2 other modules 27026 ▶️
7. 2 samples set !
8. Korg X5 6 other modules 10967 ▶️
9. "Analogist" (Extrait)
10. Sampled by Tnk & Maf
11. Picollo (left) 2 other modules 639 ▶️
12. Sampled from Gem S2
13. (By Tnk)
14. Picollo (right) 1 other modules 634 ▶️
15. Sampled from Gem S2
16. (By Tnk)
17. Picollo (middle) 2 other modules 639 ▶️
18. Sampled from Gem S2
19. (By Tnk)
20. Audio-CD 1 other modules 17339 ▶️
21. "Marecages du soir"
22. Sampled by Tnk
23. Audio-CD 1 other modules 19117 ▶️
24. "Loriot cry"
25. Sampled by Tnk
26. (Euh...chez pas si les
27. loriots sifflent comme
28. ca...!)
29. Roland juno 106 rez 3 other modules 44878 ▶️
30. Sample pack
31. Audio-CD 6 other modules 9671 ▶️
32. "Dream bassdrum"
33. Sampled by Tnk
34. Audio-CD 5 other modules 7951 ▶️
35. "Dream bass"
36. Sampled by Tnk
37. Audio-CD 1 other modules 86551 ▶️
38. "Dream piano"
39. Sampled by Tnk
40. Gem S2 1 other modules 10244 ▶️
41. "Bongo"
42. Sampled by Tnk
43. Gem S2 1 other modules 7591 ▶️
44. "Conga"
45. Sampled by Tnk
46. Korg X5 5 other modules 17263 ▶️
47. "Panflute"
48. Sampled by Tnk & Maf
49. Sinus 2 other modules 120 ▶️
50. Sampled from Gem S2
51. By Tnk


  1. >>>> -Dreamed by- <<<<
  2. TNK / Realtech^Dz^Caf.
  3. 4 Da Painless mcompo !
  4. Big big kisses go to :
  5. <-CORINNE and MURIEL->
  6. This module is the
  7. sequel 2 "Lightflower"
  8. Greets -->
  9. Maf, CyberZip, Edyx,
  10. Synergy, Redt()mat0,
  11. Tw&Ph&Eag, TSK, QSB,
  12. Falcon, Pollux, Mythos
  13. &Scarfman, Swallow&
  14. Illusion, Wain, g00n,
  15. Angel, kynes, Kharn,..
  16. Contact me !! I do not
  17. bite !!!!
  18. but how ???
  19. Try these :
  20. e-mail :
  21. philmeis@mail.
  23. s-mail
  24. Philippe Meisburger
  25. 44 Rue de Huningue
  26. 68128 Village-Neuf
  27. France
  28. Natural dream strikes
  29. back !!! I really love
  30. that style because it
  31. makes me feel like if
  32. I were on some distant
  33. tropical island :)
  34. I finished this mod
  35. while the movie
  36. "Mutiny on the bounty"
  37. (With Mel Gibson) Was
  38. Running on M6, this
  39. maybe explains the
  40. title (And the motion
  41. picture soundtrack by
  42. Vangelis has 4 sure
  43. inspired me a bit in
  44. the creation process
  45. of thix .XM)
  46. It's weird, but since
  47. I live in my own flat
  48. (Bcos of my studies)
  49. I got quite used to
  50. write mods while
  51. watching TV.
  52. Paradoxx Told me it
  53. is 35 dgrees in the
  54. shadow in Sao Paulo
  55. actually...hmmm...I
  56. always wished to spend
  57. a christmas/new year
  58. in some tropical place
  59. ...I hate "White"
  60. christmas !
  61. In fact, I hate cold..
  62. I always said there
  63. are not 4 seasons,
  64. but only 2 : Summer
  65. and shit.
  66. I therefore take the
  67. oportunity to say
  68. hello to every people
  69. living in a hotter
  70. place than mine...
  71. If you are a modwriter
  72. and you want to get
  73. your mods well
  74. spreaded, send them 2
  75. the following address:
  76. PC-Team
  77. 16, rue de la fontaine
  78. au roi
  79. 75011 Paris, France
  80. Do NOT forget to
  81. include and sign a
  82. sheet of paper on
  83. which is written that
  84. PC-Team is allowed
  85. to publish your mods
  86. on their CD.
  87. You are allowed to
  88. include this song on
  89. any CDrom in this
  90. XM form as long as it
  91. is not sold under the
  92. name of cederom (The
  93. official french word 4
  94. CDrom ! No joke !!!!)
  95. However, you are not
  96. allowed to sell it as
  97. an audio track without
  98. my authorisation.
  99. Putain...j'ai encore
  100. du G5 de merde pour
  101. demain....fait chier
  102. le G5, fait chier le
  103. projet. C'est plus de
  104. la gestion que de l'
  105. je HAIS la
  106. gestion & la compta...
  107. Fuck bookkeeping !!!!
  108. TNK___________6/11/97!

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster