Crooked fingers
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 274847 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 4
- Channels:
- 10
- Song Length:
- 58
- Samples:
- 20
- Instruments:
- 31
- Patterns:
- 25
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 241
- SHA1:
- 32cdd7e51b8abcadf625416ddd88c736b21b05f5
- MD5:
- 5df801adffd1fa6b5335de27edfd878b
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
crooked.xm |
XM/C/ |
Modarchive |
crooked.xm |
C/CR/ |
Modland |
crooked fingers.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Noceur/ |
- Noceur/SPANK
- 17/3 -2001
- "Always the bard, I
- Give you a part of my
- Heart.
- Always the bard, I'm
- not given anything
- back.
- Always the bard, I
- play... play with
- crooked fingers, on a
- broken guitar.
- Not even blood can
- fill this empty hole."
- Noceur_metal@hotmail
- .com
- This song will probabl
- -y sound horrible in
- Winamp and mikmod.
- different samps in an
- instrument are differe
- ntly tuned. Mikmod for
- ex. can't play slides
- across these samps.
- try playing it in FT2
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