10000m Below Sea Level

OpenMPT 1.19 IT 2.17
8024854 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


             .                              O                           2o1o
             .           o                             .
         welcome to a                             .
             O                         o          o
 S                           O                    O     o
 a                                       a musical journey
 g                  o            .
 a                        0    .         O             o
            O                  o     .
 M                                    .        o    O
 u      .        10000m below sea level              .
 s           .            O              o           O      O
 i           O                     .                       o
 x             .      0            o              .       .
                                   feel the
        0       .                               0    .
                 o         .           O             o
            0    tRANCE ViBES                .

 choose zero VSTs
 10000m below sea level                                      o (o_o) o
 original mix                                                 ( ### )
 \---\ o\  This is one of the very few tunes which I managed to build on top
 /---/__/  of unused material that I've made months ago. :>
           I played around with those sonar samples  in february and decided
           to build a trance track on top of them in april.  The tune fastly
           progressed  and now you're listening to the outcome of that.

And I have to say, I'm quite content with the outcome! A fine trance  track,
if you ask me (hehe). I simply love those sonar samples.
This tune makes heavy use of  Note  Fade  commands.   Please  use  a  recent
version  of  XMPlay (3.5), OpenMPT (1.18) or  Schism  Tracker  (August  2009
or newer) to play this tune, as I think  relatively  few  players  currently
interpret those notes correctly yet.   Older  versions  of  above  mentioned
applications will definitely not  handle  Note  Fade  commands  correctly  -
time to upgrade, lazy bones! ;) Also,  I  would  not  necessarily  recommend
using Schism Tracker, as it doesn't support the  S9F  command  and  extended
filter range. OpenMPT and XMPlay are the best way to go.
A shorter version of this track was entered into the  tracked music compo at
Buenzli 19 and ranked 3rd (out of 4...).

I know I haven't released anything in a while now, but that  will  hopefully
change soon. I have quite a few finished and  almost-finished  tracks  lying
around on my hard drive and they are waiting to be released! :)

-Saga Musix, 1st of September 2010


Greetings fly out to:
Alpha C, bubsy, coda, cTrix, De_Gopher, fuith, Gargaj, Gopher, halcy, Jakim,
jco, kb, ko0x, las, m0d, Maali, malodix, mog, pOWL, ryg, styx, tEiS,   Tiny,
Tomoya, T$, urs, v3nomsoup, wzl, xaimus and everyone I forgot!


This work  is (c) 2010  by  Saga Musix of Nuance and  is  licensed  under  a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.


You can contact me via e-mail at info@sagamusix.de.
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: sagamusix@jabber.ccc.de
- ICQ: 324324485
- MSN: sagamusix@hotmail.com
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez, #nectarine
  (Nick = Saga_Musix, Saga or S)
- IRCNet: #evoke, #bitfellas, #breakpoint, #tUM
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga_Off)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- http://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- http://sagagames.de/ - This website is German only (ATM).  You can
  download some free games  and applications (some of them are English)
  and more stuff here.
- http://openmpt.com/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

All sonar blips and blops and underwater sounds are from freesound.org.
The sources of the rest of the samples are indicated in the sample filenames
and are as follows:
- kb6: Samples from the fantastic drumkit collection @ samples.kb6.de
- rebirth: recorded from the Rebirth synth
- synth1: recorded from the Synth1 VST plugin
- crystal: recorded from the Crystal VST plugin
- bb-paradise: Samples from breakbeat-paradise.com
- tal.elek7ro: recorded from the TAL-Elek7ro VST plugin
- cj-jinx.xm: Taken from "Eternal Jinx" by CyberZip
- jco: Taken from a module by JCO
- Waveworld: From the ModArchive Waveworld collection
Most of the samples were slightly processed.

// Jojo a.k.a. Saga Musix


Source Name Folder
Modarchive saga_musix_-_10000m_below_sea_level.it IT/S/saga_musix_-_10000m_below_sea_level.it.zip
Modarchive saga_musix_-_10000m_below_sea_level.it modarchive_2010_additions/IT/S/saga_musix_-_10000m_below_sea_level.it.zip
Modland 10000m below sea level.it Impulsetracker/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. 12677__Peter_Gross__Sonar 21792 ▶️
2. 12718__Bitbeast__Dirty_So 129053 ▶️
3. 20223__LG__SubPing02 90989 ▶️
4. 31038__LG__Subping03
5. 38700__Argitoth__archi_so
6. 38702__Argitoth__archi_so
7. 42796__digifishmusic__Son 2 other modules 54522 ▶️ 68%:
8. 68398__DanielsonIII__Sub_ 1 other modules 80076 ▶️
9. 72218__Benboncan__Sonar_
10. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. TR909HH5.WAV Reverb 2 other modules 32504 ▶️
12. fm bass.wav 2 other modules 193607 ▶️
13. 909 snare 1 other modules 12666 ▶️
14. 909 ride 38727 ▶️
15. Smacky BD 9280 ▶️
16. TR909HH0.WAV Reverb 1 other modules 32504 ▶️
17. 79:Glassy C5 (Hi Cutoff) 338688 ▶️
18. 79:Glassy C6 (Hi Cutoff) 338028 ▶️
19. TR808HC0.WAV 18924 ▶️
20. 909 Ride (Paulstretched) 10000 ▶️
21. rnd.wav 20000 ▶️
22. 909 crash 43500 ▶️
23. 909 Hi-Hat Ohne Comp 2 other modules 24000 ▶️
24. hardcore 1 other modules 23990 ▶️ 55%:
Five days
25. hardcore 23990 ▶️
26. 808 Rimshot Reverb 1 other modules 18747 ▶️
27. 23831__LG__Underwater02 166753 ▶️
28. 45521__digifishmusic__Scu 244357 ▶️
29. TR909SN5.WAV 5913 ▶️
30. beefy (unsigned) 43248 ▶️
31. kombi 241138 ▶️
32. Breakbeat Paradise Sample 151104 ▶️ 63%:
33. atari800.xi (24K) 24550 ▶️
34. Warm Subbass 7752 ▶️
35. Cahahah.raw 41 other modules 66164 ▶️ 58%:
36. acid
37. Spacy 599871 ▶️ 60%:
Thanks for watching!
38. untitled 1 other modules 9582 ▶️
39. scc-1\WOODBLK1 1 other modules 45788 ▶️
40. OPL-3 FM 128M.sf2:47 4 other modules 21221 ▶️
41. Shift+F9!


  1. 12677__Peter_Gross__Sonar
  2. 12718__Bitbeast__Dirty_So
  3. 20223__LG__SubPing02
  4. 31038__LG__Subping03
  5. 38700__Argitoth__archi_so
  6. 38702__Argitoth__archi_so
  7. 42796__digifishmusic__Son
  8. 68398__DanielsonIII__Sub_
  9. 72218__Benboncan__Sonar_
  10. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  11. 909 Hi-Hat Closed Reverb
  12. Almighty Filtered FM Bass
  13. 909 Fast Snare (EQed)
  14. 909 Ride (EQed)
  15. Smacky BD
  16. 909 Hi-Hat Short Reverb
  17. crystalpad
  18. crystalpad
  19. Clap
  20. 909 Ride Loop
  21. Noise Up
  22. 909 Crash (EQed)
  23. 909 Hi-Hat (EQed)
  24. hardcore l
  25. hardcore r
  26. 808 Rimshot
  27. underwater ambience
  28. scuba
  29. Short 909 Snare (EQ+Dist)
  30. trance synth
  31. Sad Lead
  32. Slow Breakbeat
  33. square mix
  34. Warm Subbass
  35. Ahhh
  36. acid
  37. Spacy
  38. Bazz
  39. Woodblock
  40. FM Bass

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