Through The Universe

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
3138300 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


   __      __                        ________
  \  \    /  /                      /  ____  \
   \  \  /  /                      /  /    \  \
    \  \/  /     _____    _____   /  /      \__\   _____    _____
     \    /     / ___ \  / ___ \ /  /  ________   / ___ \  / ___ \
     /    \    / /__/ / / /__/ / \  \  \____   \ / /__/ / / /__/ /
    /  /\  \  /  ____/ /  ____/   \  \      /  //  ____/ /  ____/
   /  /  \  \ \  \____ \  \____    \  \____/  / \  \____ \  \____
  /__/    \__\ \_____/  \_____/     \________/   \_____/  \_____/ CR
  XeeGee [Cynical Records = CR] Presents :
  Through The Universe
  Tracked by ... XeeGee
  Using ........ MP Tracker 1.16
  Genre ........ Space Melodic Trance
  Length ....... 5:34
  Tempo ........ 136 Bmp
  Begining on .. 12.07.2002
  Finished on .. 16.07.2002
  This is my best songs ever. It don't has much variations, but
  it sounds not borring to me, because the melody sounds very
  mysterious, like in a science fiction movie. When i'm listening
  to this song, i feel like i'm somewhere in the universe.
  I would like say thanks to AceCream and Rave-n for this great
  samples. Without them i wouldn't made a high quality song like
  this one. I hope that you will enjoy in listening.
  P.S.: Use ModPlug Tracker to listen to this song.
  Some nice effects may not play in other programs.
  Convert the song into wav, or mp3 and listen in WinAmp
  ( if you got slow CPU < 500 Mhz ).
  Greetings goes to :
  AceCream, Acidsoul, Analysis, Aron Ducet, Danny Deeyee, DJ Azur,
  DJ A.S.D., DJ Bourg, DJ DeepVibe, DJ Keys, DJ Kneh, DJ Mirage,
  DJ Shout,DJ Stance, Gedas, HyoCHAN, ImpulzeR, Infected-zone,
  JJMax, Masenka, Proximus {PeRoX}, PyroZane, Randor, Rave-n,
  Rene, Resonance, Ruslan_Studio, Saiko, Simen, Szartd, Xcalibur.
  Special thanks goes to:
  DJ Bourg, DJ DeepVibe, Infected-zone, JJMax, Masenka, Xcalibur
  and finaly to AceCream and Rave-n for those fantastic samples.
  If you want to e-mail me, my e-mail is:
  Visit The Cynical Records site:
  (P) & (C) 2002 - XeeGee


Source Name Folder
Modland through the Impulsetracker/XeeGee/



# Name Used in Size
1. kick 35 other modules 18071 ▶️
2. main bass 34 other modules 5990 ▶️
3. filtered sweep 15 other modules 86850 ▶️ 94%:
A Guy,
4. clap 1 4 other modules 52082 ▶️
5. clap 2 41 other modules 26866 ▶️
6. clap 3 172 other modules 12728 ▶️
7. hi-hat 1 24 other modules 5296 ▶️
8. hi-hat 2 33 other modules 9556 ▶️
9. hi-hat 3 119 other modules 19322 ▶️
10. ride cymbal 26 other modules 62408 ▶️
11. tik 1 88 other modules 11025 ▶️
12. closed hat 21 other modules 3391 ▶️
13. back cin easy 32 other modules 3271 ▶️
14. shaker 27 other modules 11048 ▶️
15. string 1 229 other modules 22244 ▶️
16. string 2 13 other modules 82530 ▶️
17. low string 23 other modules 46403 ▶️
18. inst 2 11 other modules 13638 ▶️
19. trance string 77 other modules 115049 ▶️
20. chours 416 other modules 11975 ▶️
21. inst 6 28 other modules 29098 ▶️
22. inst 1 166 other modules 47143 ▶️
23. inst 3 8 other modules 82608 ▶️
24. inst 4 6 other modules 29225 ▶️
25. inst 5 8 other modules 82608 ▶️
26. tik 2 7 other modules 42260 ▶️
27. tamborine 7 other modules 25654 ▶️
28. cymbal 173 other modules 54573 ▶️
29. afrika conga drum 28 other modules 20246 ▶️
30. fade in 96 other modules 59226 ▶️ 67%:
Thanks for watching!
31. effect 9 other modules 87165 ▶️ 76%:
Thank you.
32. snare 47 other modules 75073 ▶️
33. bass slide 9 other modules 20058 ▶️
34. spaceknock 42 other modules 151397 ▶️ 56%:
Thanks for watching!
35. computer 2 other modules 21689 ▶️
36. countdown 1 3 other modules 82267 ▶️ 70%:
31 seconds and we're
37. countdown 2 3 other modules 93492 ▶️ 80%:
Four, three,
38. overflight 5 other modules 97952 ▶️ 79%:
Thanks for watching!
39. bass 1 15 other modules 4625 ▶️
40. bass 2 15 other modules 4676 ▶️
41. bass 3 15 other modules 4737 ▶️
42. bass 4 2 other modules 4665 ▶️
43. inst 6 13 other modules 14771 ▶️


  1. Through The Universe
  2. by
  3. XeeGee
  4. was finished
  5. on 16.07.2002
  6. see comments
  7. for more
  8. information
  9. . 2002

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster