12/1/98 9:37pm p.s.t.
Its the feeling you get when you walk 10 miles and have no clue why.
Pondering questions that you already know the answer to, but don't know
how to solve. Its the emotions you feel when you're lying outside full of
cheap gin, knowing even in a drunken state you dont amount to very much.
Full of sadness, too cynical to be depressed. You have seemingly nowhere
to go, few to talk to. Those who try to understnad only give a half assed
effort. They have their own problems. So you are left alone. Therapy
comes in the form of somber melodies, which although uplifting, still
don't make you feel much better. So you go on like this.
Brandon Tallent
scroll down if you're interested in greets.
special thanks goes to Christian, for being there for me even with your
busy schedule.
all samples from this song off of hosaka. bass4.wav sampled by me.