
Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.14
1940315 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


        Release No.3
                                   L        ML       MH       H
        on ITv2.14p4   Equalizer @ 000-008, 016-006, 096-004, 127-006

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Song Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

        "Crumbs?"   Featuring MTV Music Generator Samples

        by DIN
        Copyright (c) 2003 Gauche Music

        04min13sec   98bpm   4/4

        Begun:  Oct.11.2003

        Completed:  Oct.31.2003   Happy Halloween. <spooky laugh>

    |                                                               |
    |  mtv- MTV Music Generator (SAMPLES NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE!!*) |
    |       (this is where I got started...check it out some time)  |
    |   ma- Sample Collection(s) C/O The Mod Archive                |
    |  sdp- Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 Preset                        |
    |   ps- Free Samples, Pitchshifter CD ""    |
    |  shp- Stomper Hyperion 5.0 Preset                             |
    |                                                               |
    |  Ripped Samples                                               |
    |    1- None for now...                                         |
    |                                                               |

 * You can contact Codemasters about the licensing of their samples and
   the Music Generator in general by writing to:

        MTV Music Generator
        Codemasters USA,
        P.O. Box 2150,
        Oakhurst, CA 93644

   You may also be able to get information at:

   Be sure to include this notice in your MOD comments should you rip any
 * of their samples.

Commentary (i.e. song details that you probably don't want to read):

     Here is yet another fine example of how sleep deprivation spews out
of my head and ends up going into a tracker.  Some times I try to read,
sometimes I try to draw, sometimes I watch TV, but invariably I track.  My
gauze-packed head seems clearer when it comes to musical inspiration.  Of
course, I usually run dry of ideas early on and end up leaving these tunes
unfinished.  This will probably lay forgotten on my hard drive for at
least six or seven months before I end up working on it again, much less
get it finished and uploaded.  We'll have to see about this one, though...
"Nothing to Say" ( started out much like this one and it
practically wrote itself.

     As for the name, "Crumbs?"...well...I'm actually not sure what it's
supposed to mean or to what it refers.  I was in a hurry to save it and
needed a file name, and my brain was sifting through the letters of the
alphabet.  I realized I didn't have any song names beginning with C,

     The drum samples are the real treat for this one. If you'll notice,
there's no "Bass Drum 10    ma" in this one.  I decided it needed a break.
Instead, I dredged up some drumkits that I had downloaded long, long ago,
in a galaxy far, far away.  As it happens, I think they sound really sweet
in this number.  Unfortunately, I can't remember where I downloaded them
from, so I don't have any credits for them (I should have written it
down.  Aargh).  I'll look soon and update my credits (very important).

     I tried to think of a good chorus line or modulation to spice things
up, but I came up with nothing.  I think it stands up pretty well the way
it is, but if anyone out there has any ideas, feel free to do a remix
(e-mail me about the website and the file name if you do) or give me some
suggestions.  I'd be flattered.  Plus, I still think it needs something
more...I just don't know what.

     Thanks go to:

        -God, the greatest musician of all, among other things, from whom
         I get all my good ideas.

        -Jeffrey Lim, for making such a coooool, sweeet, and other
         positive adjectives program.  I still get goosebumps using IT.

        -MTV, for whatever part they played in the making of the MTV Music
         Generator (am I repeating myself?).  Ironic that there're maybe 2
         hours worth of videos in an entire day, and those 2-ish hours are
         around 4 in the @#$*?! morning.  Or is that VH1?  Does MTV even
         have videos anymore?

        -Codemasters, for doing the hard part of putting the MG together
         and licensing the use of their samples. (NON-COMMERCIAL, i.e.)

        -Anvil, for making "Path to Nowhere" (an-path.xm), one of the most
         inspired (and inspiring) tunes I've heard.  I've got more ideas
         now, thanks to this tune.  good song.  great song.  Top 10 #41.

        -Skaven, for making "Razorback//Unreal Mix" for Unreal Tournament,
         another one of those tunes that just KICK SO MUCH ASS!!  whoa...

        -The Mod Archive, for the huge sample collection, the archive
         itself, and the community.  "Come on people now, smile on your
         brother, everybody get together..." -the Youngbloods

        -The people who put together Stomper Hyperion, for including lots
         of nice presets.

        -Nasca Octavian Paul, for making Paul's Sound Designer.  It's a
         great program.  Get it.  Use it.  You'll be happy.

        -And last, but certainly not least, anyone who like this and/or
         any other tune of mine.  Big smile.

     I guess that's about it.  Enjoy.  Keep Tracking.  So long.  I'll quit
typing now.

        *******   **** **    ***
         *******   **   **    *
          *    **  **   ***   *
          *     ** ***  * **  *
          *     ** **   *  ** *
          *     **      *   ***
          *    **  **   *    **
        ********   **  ***    **/Christopher Brewer

     Like the tune?  Think it needs work?  Share your thoughts on my MOD's
pros and cons.  Be sure to use words like "Tracking" or "MOD" in the
e-mail title-thingy (the proper name escapes me at the moment), or I'll
trash it as spam (I don't like spam).

     Please give me a little more to work with than "your song sucks".

Contact Information:


Source Name Folder
Modland Impulsetracker/Din/
Modarchive IT/D/
Modarchive D/DI/



# Name Used in Size
1. Jubass 4 mtv 10371 ▶️
2. Jubass 3 mtv 11070 ▶️
3. FM Bass 04 sdp 6 other modules 99328 ▶️
4. New Day Kit BD+HH 1 7001 ▶️
5. PuchoKit Snare 2 2783 ▶️
6. Bass Drum 20 ma 11906 ▶️
7. Closed Hihats 1 ps 1 other modules 9104 ▶️
8. Open Hihats 1 ps 58626 ▶️
9. New Day Kit Hihats 2 7343 ▶️
10. Cymbal 03 ma 78605 ▶️ 51%:
11. Crash 02 ma 16 other modules 44928 ▶️ 85%:
12. Proteus Bass(TNDR?) ma 10 other modules 40754 ▶️
13. AmenKit Snare 1 11583 ▶️
14. Electric Kick shp 1764 ▶️
15. AmenKit Hihat Light 6067 ▶️
16. Proteus C#1(perc) ma 9317 ▶️
17. Proteus Mutes(?) ma 10903 ▶️
18. Proteus C3 DeepPurple ma 36030 ▶️
19. FM Strings 1 sdp 1 other modules 275456 ▶️ 94%:
20. Flute Pad 2 sdp 275456 ▶️
21. Church Organ 2 sdp 275456 ▶️
27. -------------------------
28. "Crumbs?" by DIN
29. (C) 2003 Gauche Music
30. =========================
31. Shift F9 for Song Info
32. and Legend
33. -------------------------


  1. Drumset (Con)
  2. Drumset (Cut)
  3. Jubass 4
  4. Jubass 3
  5. FM Bass
  6. Proteus Bass
  7. Deep Purple (Off)
  8. Deep Purple (Fde)
  9. Strings
  10. Mutes
  11. Flute Pad
  12. Pipe Organ
  13. Pipe Organ (pitch-pan)

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster