One of a kind

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.14
1071957 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                               One of a kind

                                 by Acumen



                         Like snowflake on the sky,
                          I came into your mind,
                           I looked towards your eyes
                          and said your heart is mine,
                           you took a step behind
                          and told me I`m your kind,
                         right then I started smiling
                          and looked upon my darling.

                                       - Milan



                     these earthly seeds of heavenly
                    paradise that you`re spelled upon
                      every once and a while ..


                   like an ocean full of whales swimming
                  among those drops of Eden, humming to one
                   another with the justified knowing of
                  belonging on the face of the earth that
                   mankind no longer deserves to have ..


                                 The story?

               Where did this song really got it`s inspiration
                and the melancholy, it`s carrying force? ..

                     It`s a story of a boy and a girl,
                      the rest you might already know..

         I am sure we`d all like to cherish our loved ones and to
          think they`re something special between heaven and earth,
           something precious, and actually that`s quite true since
            we`re all different, yet at the same time all related.

           Every single person whom you get acquinted with during
          you`re life, you develope feelings, certain thoughts about
           this person. There was one feeling that held a thought
          with`in which I hadn`t had for a long time. I almost had
           closed my eyes for seeking it`s existance, and nearly
            completely had forgotten how it felt like ..

             She basicly turned me upside down, and reminded
              me that not all live is cold, unharsh, and full
             of hatred, dishonesty and repulsive acts of human.

             She reminded me how wonderful and precious life
              actually is, and how we all take it for granted,
                when infact no one owes us that blessing.



           Why is it that we have the urge to create destruction,
          deceives and lies with`in this garden of Eden which some
         of refer as planet earth? ..  Do we REALLY need guns, wars,
          victims, casualties and misery to understand how vulnerable
         mother nature is, and how significant we actually are.

          My answer at the time would be "yes". We`re spending more
           money in finding out more efficient ways to kill entire
          nations than in solving the problems that are slowly, but
           surely getting out of hands. In other words, we`re all in
          this together, shame on all of us!  There`s one thing I`m
           glad about, and that is that we won`t be vanishing without
           paying the price to all of this. The end is near, and it
           won`t be pretty. We`re all part of this chain which in
             the end leads to slow, but sure suicide of mankind,
                  suicide none of us really wanted.



           Here`s some music that I feel obligated to mention as
            like others, I also "drain" influences from the world
           surrounding me, and from the music I love listening to.

            First of all, Warder`s "Thanatos Minor" is something
             I didn`t instantly fall in love with, but after some
            period of time I got the hang of it, and experienced
             the airy, yet still "pressurized" enviroment.

             Once again I must thank Warder (the reincarnation
             of Mozart?) for these terrific samples he had done.
              Who knows if I`d have ever composed this song
                 without his inspiring pro-samples.

            Awesome`s "For a New World" is truly beautiful too,
             much more like my song than Warder`s, and maybe this
              silently taught me to control the flow of emotions,
             and to express them. A wonderful pop ballad!

            Nitzer`s "The Adventure" is quite similar to the
           mood and style Awesome`s song has, but this has more
            of the same elements as mine does. Like in mine, the
           piano plays an important role, and I could also almost
            swear I can hear a story been told with every note
              being played like it would be a word whispered
               in the air. Again, one song you must hear!

            Nightwish`s "Sleeping Sun". This is a commercial
             finnish band, so you won`t find this at any scene
              related site. Actually I have never liked heavy
             music, but this wonderful (not-se-heavy) ballad
              made an instant affection on me, exspecially the
             female singer`s beautiful "opera" type of singing).


                        .closing words & thoughts.

         It felt damn good to compose again to tell you the truth.
           I`d compare this experience to holding your breath for
         a minute and then slowly inhaling again. It sure does feel
          good, doesn`t it? ..  This was like a new discovery for
           me with an old subject of interest. I think I`ve simply
          come to realize that the key factor in making music is
           that there`s no time, only space ..

             Funny thing, I kept whistling my own song for the
            first time in my life, and infact, I actually didn`t
              remember nor realize that it was my own song
                I kept on repeating ..

           Another funny thing is how many of you have asked me
            about my knowledge of music theory, and the simple
           fact that I don`t have much knowledge of theory at all.
            I know I`m not alone with this matter, since there are
           many people just like me, composing music and that are
          confronted with the same type of questions and amazements.
           I`d like to learn more about theory, but at the same time
            I can`t help to think that it might take away something
          "untained" and "pure" with my work among music, in it`s
            style and unique way of presenting it. Well, in any
             case, music theory is an interesting field which
               I am coming more aware of day by day ..


                               .t.h.e. .e.n.d.

                 This is all for now, but before I finish,
                let me light a candle of hope to enlighten
                 your day. As you`re listening to the end of
                my song, you can hear that it`s reaching out
                  for a better tomorrow as the melody changes
                   from melancholic to one that carries more
                      hope and belief inside ..




      Snailmail>> Milan Kolarovic
                  Hollontie 59
                  35320 Hirsila

      (c) Milan Kolarovic (aka Acumen)
          2nd of October 1999



Source Name Folder
Altered Perception Archive AC-1OK.IT a/
Lemon Amiga Ultimate MOD pack! Misc Players/
Lemon Amiga Ultimate MOD pack! Modules for DeliTracker/Misc Modules/
Modland one of a Impulsetracker/Acumen/
Modarchive IT/A/
Modarchive A/AC/



# Name Used in Size
1. Old record Sfx 6 other modules 28104 ▶️
2. Metalhit 22 other modules 33379 ▶️ 52%:
HA Boi
3. CL hihat #1 22 other modules 6200 ▶️
4. CL hihat #2 11 other modules 4200 ▶️
5. OP hihat 21 other modules 17000 ▶️
6. Crash 16 other modules 37934 ▶️ 66%:
they won't even do it!
7. Splash 19 other modules 40066 ▶️
8. Tambourine 12 other modules 16396 ▶️
9. Bd #1 35 other modules 2471 ▶️
10. Bd #2 12 other modules 8559 ▶️
11. Snare 62 other modules 11312 ▶️
12. Orion rim 25 other modules 48564 ▶️ 68%:
13. Clap 22 other modules 9601 ▶️
14. Mark Tree 15 other modules 183456 ▶️
16. Trinity Piano #01 37 other modules 75074 ▶️ 70%:
Sawyer Everywhere
17. Trinity Piano #02 43 other modules 63951 ▶️ 95%:
18. Trinity Piano #03 46 other modules 79861 ▶️ 97%:
Thanks for watching!
19. Trinity Piano #04 38 other modules 52696 ▶️ 93%:
20. Trinity Piano #05 41 other modules 65151 ▶️ 91%:
Thanks for watching!
21. Trinity Piano #06 44 other modules 66661 ▶️ 89%:
Thanks for watching!
22. Trinity Piano #07 57 other modules 57208 ▶️ 80%:
23. Trinity Piano #08 59 other modules 63718 ▶️ 97%:
IR Heavenly Pillahi
24. Trinity Piano #09 59 other modules 62788 ▶️ 74%:
25. Trinity Piano #10 57 other modules 87812 ▶️ 96%:
26. Trinity Piano #11 50 other modules 74251 ▶️ 86%:
28. Power Chord 19 other modules 51637 ▶️ 76%:
30. Sighing Pad 34 other modules 137983 ▶️ 77%:
Thanks for watching!
31. Bass Choir 18 other modules 157183 ▶️
32. Bass Pad 49 other modules 47906 ▶️
33. QSynth Bass #1 7 other modules 20080 ▶️
34. QSynth Bass #2 8 other modules 15336 ▶️
35. QSynth Bass #3 8 other modules 15512 ▶️
36. Power Choir 47 other modules 24882 ▶️
37. Lead 56 other modules 90453 ▶️ 83%:
Thanks for watching!
38. Angel Choir 24 other modules 101217 ▶️ 91%:
39. Classical Strings 81 other modules 69937 ▶️ 77%:
40. _________________________
43. One of a kind
45. (c) Acumen
48. -------------------------
49. My contribution for the
50. "Hugi Diskmagazine"
51. (issue #18).
52. -------------------------
54. Sample Credits:
56. #Warder. Most of the
57. samples I`ve used are
58. his own handwriting.
59. Without his great work
60. and effort on those, my
61. song MIGHT NOT have seen
62. daylight at all.
63. Thanks mate!!
65. #Awesome. I`ve used his
66. drum samples that Warder
67. had taken into his song
68. called "Thanatos Minor".
70. #Nitzer. Three samples
71. have been taken from
72. his masterpiece, "The
73. Adventure". Absolutely
74. a great piece of music!
76. #Tourach. I`ve taken
77. one sample from one of
78. his unfinished songs.
80. IF U use any of these
81. samples, please remem-
82. ber to contribute the
83. rightfull owners for
84. them. Thank you!
86. -------------------------
88. Greetings:
90. Warder. Zealan. Tourach.
91. Awesome. Nitzer. Westis.
92. Purple Motion. Kriffin.
93. Wayfinder. Anders A.
95. .. and all the people
96. in the whole wide world
97. who like my music!!


  1. Old record Sfx
  2. Metalhit
  3. CL hihat #1
  4. CL hihat #2
  5. OP hihat
  6. Crash
  7. Splash
  8. Tambourine
  9. Mark Tree
  10. Twilight Piano
  11. Power Choir
  12. Lead
  13. Classical Strings
  14. Sighing Pad
  15. Bass Choir
  16. Bass Pad
  17. Angel Choir
  18. Drumseq. (1) kick
  19. Drumseq. (2) kick
  20. Drumseq. (2) snare
  21. Drumseq. (1) orion rim
  22. Drumseq. (1) clap
  23. FatBass #1
  24. FatBass #2
  25. FatBass #3
  26. Power Chord
  27. Power Chord (echo)
  28. _________________________
  29. One of a kind
  30. _____________
  31. Composed by Acumen
  32. (aka Milan Kolarovic)
  33. Copyright (c) 1999
  34. All Rights Reserved
  35. ________
  36. #Email
  38. #Webpage
  40. __#__
  41. #
  42. #Duration 4"34
  43. #Channels 28/105
  44. #Finished 2.10.1999
  45. #Filename AC-1OK.IT
  46. #Filesize 1047kb
  47. #Version 8bit (final)
  48. __#__
  49. #
  50. This song is dedicated
  51. to that sweet and sen-
  52. sual girl who gave me
  53. a reason and the inspi-
  54. ration to compose this
  55. song. For you, Aiste.
  56. __#__
  57. #
  58. IF anyone would want my
  59. music or my work to be
  60. involved in demos, ga-
  61. mes, or with other type
  62. of SERIOUS projects or
  63. developements, commer-
  64. cial or non-commercial,
  65. please don`t hesitate
  66. to contact me! ..
  67. __#__
  68. #
  69. SHIFT + F9 for more
  70. info and thoughts.
  71. __#__
  72. #
  73. final mark(?)> "RIH"

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