All Ur Soul R Belong 2 Us

OpenMPT 1.23 IT 2.14
105995 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                          <||>                       s
     6                    <||>                      t
      3                   <||>                     n
       7                  <||>                    e
        m                 <||>                   s
         a                <||>                  e
          n               /||\                 r
               /\/\/\/\/\/ || \/\/\/\/\/\     p
               \/\/\/\/\/\ || /\/\/\/\/\/
          A L L                         S O U L
                        Y O U R

  A R E                             T O
                B E L O N G                     U S !


            ....          ....          ....
           ..            ..            ..
           .....         .....         .....
           ..  ..        ..  ..        ..  ..
            ....          ....          ....



   A | |   U r   S o u |   R   B e | o n g   2   U s !
      in G minor (oder G-moll wenn aus Deutschland)

       made on 2014/04/18~25 in OpenMPT
slightly changed the ending on 2014/05/03, sounds better
            S O N G    S T A T I S T I C S :,---666---,
  Chn: 8 ++ Smp: 11 (15) ++ Pat:28 ++ Ord:66 ++ Spd: 6
 Len: 6:36 (like Safari Sampler) ++ BPM: 180 (1/8: 360)
         Finally a finished original Metal song
         that sounds at least a bit like Metal!

               No panning, for diversity!
            Oriental Safari Sampler had some.
        G E M A C H T   I N   T S C H E C H I E N
              M A D E   I N   C Z E C H I A
             V Y R O B E N O   V   . E S K U

After numerous attempts to make matal in FL Studio, I decided to do it
in OpenMPT. FL sucks in that way, that's why there's not much metal made
in it on YT. It's because It's made for loops, that implies electronic
music. On the other hand it was sometimes pain in the ass to make my
previous modules, Haru no Niwa and Safari Sampler. When I decided that
those claps in Safari Sampler will have an reverse echo, I had to go
through the entire module to insert "v32 S9F" 2 rows after the clap. So far
I haven't figured out how to automatically tune samples or how to make
vibrato or panbrello in FL Studio. In trackers it is so easy!

This song was made with possible lyrics in mind. That doesn't mean I'll get
myself to actually record it, because everybody from my class knows that I
don't sing very well and I have better things to do than scream some shit
into my $30 microphone. At least not into that $5 one I had. Nowhere near
those for $100, but enough since in the mastering process noise get added,
but here it's already included in some way. I also feel very lazy to build a
recording booth, because I often sample everything that sounds interesting
for me while on vacations with my cellphone. After returnig home it get's
edited a little and maybe some experiment is being made with it. I've made
about 5 unfinished or 1 pattern songs with those. If you want this trash
released, go to hell because even I think that it sucks.

Each pattern has 72 rows because I used a different time signature (3/4
because Rock is usually 6/8) and didn't use pattern break commands like
in my quite old O Tannenbaum (Oh Cristmas Tree) remix.

For more music, you can go for now on my blog at
and on the right there's link to my Google Drive folder. This is before I
make an account on Soundcloud or Bandcamp. Oh yes, on the blog there are
some articles too. You can read them, but I assume that you won't because
they're old and I'm lazy to write some new. But, by the time you're reading
this, there might actually be something new, but I don't guarantee it.

If you like to support me, you can send me some Bitcoins to:
or just share the shit out of this module, I'd be happy too.

Yeah that ASCII art sucks. I haven't written anything in the song message
when the song itself was nearly finished. The more crap you can expect in
my upcoming song, Dazing Psychotronic Substance, which sounds like OPL.
It's a reference to Czech Police terminology - Omamn. Psychotropn. L.tka.
There might be also something released before this one, but since it's
halfway done, I except it to be finished in a finite amount of time.

Samples were stolen from:
01 Don't remember
02 2 Minutes to Midnight remake by Betrayer
03 2 Minutes to Midnight remake by Betrayer
04 found quite more cropped on ST-13 as guitelec1note
05 Between the Eyes (BETWEEN.MOD)
10 Jazz Jackrabbit
11 The White Tiger by Skaven of Future Crew
12 Don't remember
14 Some 669 module I guess
15 Some 669 module I guess

Yeah, and licencing - nothing complicated, just free for noncomercial use.
Attribution would be kind from you too. At least donate something if you
are going to make profit using this song. It would make me very unhappy if
you didn't share a cent of your income with me. That's just for you,
commercefags, I'm going to be commercial on you too.

See you later in my upcoming songs.

~~ Johannes Getmann aus Schei.endorf AKA j-61m, 637man, Getmanchuck Norris,
John Getman from Shittyville, Juan Getemano di Citta de Merda etc.


Source Name Folder
Modarchive IT/J/
Modarchive modarchive_2014_additions/IT/J/



# Name ST name Used in Size
1. elbass 4 other modules 2000 ▶️
2. palm 10615 ▶️
3. dist_gt 10145 ▶️
4. GUITAR7.195 6 other modules 10874 ▶️
5. Solo_gtr 2 other modules 32339 ▶️
10. No name 2 other modules 25654 ▶️
11. Thump 8001 ▶️
12. sdrum 22968 ▶️
14. erclhh.118 ST-69:charleston1 78 other modules 1442 ▶️
15. erophh.134 ST-69:charleston2 170 other modules 4086 ▶️

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster