Hej, pane / Hey, Mister

OpenMPT 1.23 IT 2.14
167953 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


     H E J ,   P A N E
   H E Y ,   M I S T E R
(Hej, pane disk.okej Cover)
   made on 2014/05/01~02
 added support information
 and fixed some few things
       on 2014/05/03
   in OpenMPT
    by 637man AKA j-61m
   Chn: 14, Smp: 14 (15)
   Pat: 17, Ord: 34 (41)
Len: 3:38, BPM: 150, Spd: 6

As Iveta Barto.ov., the female vocal on the original version of this song
from 80's by the group Balet, commited suidide on 2014/04/29 by letting
a train run her over, I wrote a parody of it and named it "D.ambulka is
dead" and the same sentence followed in Japanese. Then I made this
instumental remake to have something to sing it to, and I wish I got my
ass off to actually record it.

Do you like my music and want to do a good deed? Support me:
Send Bitcoins to: 1C4Xyt6PGFzbJszVxuNp3VbmHPywKbT6KK
Write a love letter (hates count too!) to: jan.getmancuk@gmail.com
Share this and my other modules with everyone you know!
Note that every nonconstructive criticism will be sent to /dev/null.
But before, they will be posted for everybody to see. Testimotials level
9001. This applies also to ass-kissers if they are of male gender.
Unfortunately for you, I'm straight, so srew you, faggots.

You can find the parodized text on my blog at getmania.blogspot.com, but
it's in Czech written using fullwith letter at the end of Unicode table
and even in my exprimental ASCII-zation, quite similar to Polish or one
of the Interslavic language options. Therefore Google Translate won't
help you. If you can not view Unicode or despise any modifications
to the Czech ortography, here it is rewritten in 8-bit coding and in normal
Czech for you, also as a karaoke lyrics to this module:

Hej, pane strojv.dce, koukej se na cestu,
nevid.. p.ece, p.ejel si Ivetu.
Bejvala s t.mhlet.m, #chilling in #Italy,
ale u. co j. v.m, te. u. je v prdeli!

Hej, pane Rycht..i, bacha na D.ambulku,
d.vat se dost pat.., leh. pod ma.inku.
M.dia rejpaly, srandu m.li velkou
a pak j. j.maly n.lady s sebou!

Ostatky t.lesn. se kolem v.l., tak tohle m.lo stra.n. kr.tk. d.j,
a .elmy psovit. v.ak nezah.l., tak ty na.e .esk. Policie, rychle hledej!

Ostatky ... tak k ve.e.i jim tuhle moji p.se. p.j!

Hej .esk. n.rode, ignoruj bulv.ry,
o zpr.vy jim nejde, fek.ln. v.pary.
B.valy .ten.j.., p.ed lety nebyly,
nebo. se jen sna.. zaujmout debily!

Ostatky ... intelekt v t.ch bulv.rech nikdy nehledej!

Ostatky ... tak k ve.e.i jim tuhle moji p.se. p.j!

Ostatky ... a .elmy psovit. u. se na.raly,
tak k tr.ven. jim tuhle moji p.se. p.j!

Ostatky ... a s touhle p.sn. jsme my u. skon.ili,
zase dal.. p.llitr piva/Coly mi nalej!

Anyway, R.Y.B. Iveta Bartoshovaa AKA The Golden Voice of Prague
AKA Jamboolka (awkward photo of her) 08/04/1966 - 29/0*4/20*14 @ 11:29 AM.
Someone make a video like Poopsteeve for it, pls. Like this:
*random mellow song*
360 100% reel 3d engeen-driver booth footij 100% legit
Iveta: omg fml, gunna kill miselv lol. #yolo #swag #emo
*walks on a rail*
*spots approaching train*
Gotta go fast *Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack*
Engine-driver: wtf r u doing gtfo *pulls the emergency brake* i cannot
into brake it bitch
Iveta: oh fu- *Skrillex - Bangarang starts playing from "Bangarang"*
*splashhh* *background turns red* #metal #rail #run #over #train
#dying #red #blood #death #fml #selfie #god #ohnoez #hell #reincarn8
*body remains fly across the screen*
Engine-driver: PEEERRRRRKELE NAINEN! (devilish woman)
*calls police* *sirens* *sad song plays*
Police officer: lol she compleet dead no time to react, sry
Husband Rycht..: fak u bulvarz u soab now she dead coz of u!!!!!1111111111
*b&w screen* *Iveta photo* R.Y.B. Iveta Bartoshovaa AKA Jamboolka
08/04/1966 - 29/0*4/20*14 @ 11:29 AM in Prague-Oohrzheevanyess (Uh..ven.s)
*David Gueta - Play Hard starts playing from "work hard"*
BTW HAPPY WORKER'S DAY!!!1111 #procrastinate #national #holiday #chilling
*Imperial March*
MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU. #starwars
*soviet anthem from chorus*
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY OF GERMANY'S DEFEAT!!!!1111 #zdrastvuytye #stalin
#InternetExplorer #IE #late #delay #lag #slow #snail
*Cartoons - Witch Doctor from chorus*
HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!!!!1111111111
#fuck #summer #gaming #pc #rules

 Samples were 100% recycled from:
1 Jazz Jackrabbit
2 landing.669
3 "Out of Control" by BluRry (out.mtm)
4 Jazz Jackrabbit, also "Zombie Curse" by Skaven of Future Crew
5 Anti-Lamer demo (LAMER.MOD)
6 CHAOS.S3M by Skaven of Future Crew
7 lol I dunno o_O
8 lol I dunno too 0_o
9 Jazz Jackrabbit
A Jazz Jackrabbit
B Jazz Jackrabbit
C ST-02
D *empty*
E lol I dunno also here o_O
F and here 0_o

Please have a sense of black humour (or humor, fat Americans) and don't
spam me about making fun of dead people. Don't you love the Hitler
and Stalin jokes?

See you later in another music (if you call it so) from me.

~~ Johannes Getmann aus Schei.endorf AKA 637man AKA j-61m etc.


Source Name Folder
Modarchive hej_pane.it IT/H/hej_pane.it.zip
Modarchive hej_pane.it modarchive_2014_additions/IT/H/hej_pane.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. BASSCRUS.ST 6523 ▶️
2. distmaj 52190 ▶️ 59%:
3. chunk 15 other modules 5196 ▶️
4. JungleGt 27910 ▶️
5. odgtr 8034 ▶️
6. Chaos Choir 1 14 other modules 3846 ▶️
7. CGWAVE 517 ▶️
8. detsaw 18327 ▶️
9. fsyntbas.st 6034 ▶️
10. REALCYMC 26229 ▶️
11. 440THICK 2091 ▶️
12. Snare7 3899 ▶️
13. untitled
14. hcl 5102 ▶️
15. hop_ 18315 ▶️
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster