Game music?
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 67727 bytes
- BPM:
- 130
- Speed:
- 4
- Channels:
- 10
- Song Length:
- 38
- Samples:
- 11
- Instruments:
- 36
- Patterns:
- 38
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 371
- SHA1:
- 1ae4fc4fcdb736e5eafa5787e27ed423f7b59f67
- MD5:
- 98cc3b8abf9f082828edfe77e1e5dad0
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
game music.xm |
Fasttracker 2/MrGamer/ |
- -=[SoF]MrGamer=-
- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^-
- Playtime : 3 minutes
- Chrash
- Clap+BassDrum
- Clap+Highat
- BassDrum+Highhat
- Tom
- Chip
- Chip
- Noise (Ripped From
- Super Mario Nes!!)
- This tune was made
- in a very high tempo
- Took about 2,5 hours
- of total tracking time
- I'm starting to get a
- taste for these Chip
- tunes. I'ts so easy
- to make them and
- they sound so
- throughoutly good!
- That and the nostalgic
- touch..
- ->
- E-Mail:
- Mr_Gamer@HotMail.Com
- ICQ: 15854945
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