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................... Presents ...................
Table of contents
* General info
* Members
* Releases
* Distro sites
* App. Form
* Contact
* Greets
* Credits
* Final words
General Info
Flava is a Swedish group formed in October 1996, by Evade. We're spread out
through the whole country so we're watching the swedish scene carefully.
Our goals is mainly to show the rest of the scene what's capable of doing with
computers. Also we wanna reach the feeling of creation, to have made something
we are proud of. Hopefully we will achieve those goals. Partly that's up to
you to decide...
Current member stats is (in order of joining):
Evade Music, Organizer
Bozo Music
Flasher Code
PeeWee GFX
Quiely Code
ZIP-Name Size Date Contents
FVA-GM.ZIP 57k 96-12-09 An independent small XM by Evade. "Goldmoon".
As a new group Flava needs BBS:es and FTP-sites to distribute our releases.
If you're running an BBS and wanna become a distro site of Flava then
please fill in the app. form further down in this doc.
NOTE: We're especially looking for an FTP-site anywhere in the world to
become our official FTP-site. If u have one then please mail Evade and
we'll make the arrangement.
.......... . .. ........................................ . . .............
. BBS Name Number Country SysOp Other .
.Dune .+33-1-48790422 .France .Gizmo .French HQ .
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NOTE: More boards will be added VERY SOON. It depends on YOU!
Filling in this form doesn't automatically mean that your BBS is accepted.
We'll check it out and get back to you.
Please copy this form into it's own file, fill it in and send it to Evade.
BBS name:
BBS phonenumber(s):
BBS modem speed: [ ] 1200 [ ] 2400 [ ] 9600
(place X at [ ] 14k4 [ ] 28k8 [ ] other __________
appropriate [ ] other __________
BBS software:
Ammount of lines/nodes:
Ammount of users:
System info:
etc, etc..)
Fidonet address:
(if available)
Is your BBS focusing on demos?:
-=Sysop info=-
Sysop handle/group:
Sysop REAL name:
Sysop age:
Sysop e-mailaddress:
Sysop voice number:
Sysop full snailmail address:
Is the BBS dist. site or HQ for other groups? If yes, which one(s)?
Other important info:
If you want to know what Flava-members are working with - please mail me (Evade)
for info. If you just wanna say hello or something like that please do.
Our members *LOVES* to get mail. Try us, we won't bite... =)
To contact Flava-members please use our mail-addys...
Handle Assignment Addy
Evade Music, Organizer evade@freenet.hut.fi
Bozo Music boz@gim.net
Crooper ANSI/ASCII thomsson@wineasy.se
Flasher Code 86cape@knuthahn.ronneby.se
PeeWee GFX 36jeppe@but.auc.dk
Mr. X WWW telis@mediatek.uk.umea.se
Quiely Code ingemar@ejka.se
If u don't have Internet-access (who hasn't?) then use snailmail.
Evade Bozo Mr. X
Robert Olofsson Martin Christofferson Eric Thelander
Holmsundsv.gen 55 Aspelundsv.gen 21 Dahlbomsv.gen 4
S-913 35 HOLMSUND S-342 35 ALVESTA S-913 32 HOLMSUND
Flava greets the following groups (random order):
Color BEAM Tiny Toons Karva
Smashed! Pulse Finesse Gecko
Orange Cubic Team
Evade greets these cool (??!) guys (random order):
BLACKAXE Unreal Euxinus Franky Boy
Bca Wolfgang Codec Unreal
NiAVASHA Baloo Tiberius Illmidus
Psychad Zedra JRook The Squat
Melomniac Displaced Vader Calimero
Spirit Zylon Fh Dark Soul
Evade Design, Text, ASCII
Crooper ASCII-logo
Bozo Error-corrector =)
Hmm, this is not much to give credits for but I felt kinda bored and hopeless
when I wrote this section so I wanted to feel proud of having my name in
the credits. A little evidence of being creative... =)
Final words
Ok, that's all...
Hopefully you've learned something about us and our group.
If have something u wanna ask/complain about/etc. and is not written in this
file then please (once again =D) mail us.
// Evade
(c) Flava 1996