War Stars

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
227034 bytes
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Source Name Folder
Modland war stars.xm Fasttracker 2/Jeroen Tel/
Modarchive jt_wstar.xm XM/J/jt_wstar.xm.zip
Modarchive jt_wstar.xm J/JT/jt_wstar.xm.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. lead: synth pluc 3 other modules 460 ▶️
2. lead: saw wave [C#5] 4 other modules 6999 ▶️
3. bass: fuzz bass [D-4] 5 other modules 4328 ▶️
4. perc: bassdrum 7 other modules 3813 ▶️
5. perc: hihat 10 other modules 1125 ▶️
6. perc: shake 50 other modules 3958 ▶️
7. perc: bass drum 2 7 other modules 1709 ▶️
8. perc: crash cymbal 9 other modules 18583 ▶️
9. perc: snare 2 21 other modules 9072 ▶️
10. perc: snare 1 6 other modules 5406 ▶️
11. fx: siren 4 other modules 2165 ▶️
12. Bass Drum 7 other modules 2813 ▶️
13. TR-808 C-Hihat 27 other modules 2472 ▶️
14. TR-808 O-Hihat 5 other modules 11279 ▶️
15. Ride Cymbal 4 other modules 8014 ▶️
16. Warmpad [E-5] 28 other modules 17700 ▶️
17. Chip Curch Organ [G#3] 5 other modules 456 ▶️
18. Fingerbass [A-4] 3 other modules 7572 ▶️
19. Mopedog 2 other modules 1594 ▶️
20. Rezonatix 19 other modules 22274 ▶️


  2. composed by
  3. Jeroen Tel (WAVE)
  4. (C) 1996
  5. Maniacs of Noise
  6. for cruelization #2
  7. All rights of the
  8. producer and the
  9. owner of the work
  10. reproduced reserved.
  11. Unauthorised copying,
  12. hiring, lending,
  13. public performance and
  14. broadcasting of this
  15. XM module
  16. reserved.
  17. greets to #TRAX
  18. love to SHINE
  19. contact:
  20. Jeroen Tel (WAVE)
  21. Maniacs of Noise (MoN)
  22. Email:
  23. mon@xs4all.nl
  24. --------------------
  25. PEACE!
  26. --------------------
  27. All we should care
  28. about anyway...
  29. --------------------
  30. The Media
  31. makes us see
  32. everything that's bad
  33. in the world.
  34. Don't get too
  35. cynical though.
  36. 6,000,000,000 people!
  37. How many do bad?
  38. It's only a small
  39. percentage.
  40. But the Media makes us
  41. think the world is
  42. the most rotten place
  43. in the Universe.
  44. Okay, it ain't
  45. perfect, and yes,
  46. we should do
  47. things a lot
  48. different, but,
  49. that doesn't mean we
  50. all mean bad.
  51. Soon we will realise
  52. (I hope), we need to
  53. organise the world
  54. as a whole.
  55. To keep ourselves
  56. alive, we'll need
  57. to give "nature" a
  58. chance.
  59. Lot's of people seem
  60. to forget:
  61. "We belong to nature,
  62. Nature does NOT
  63. belong to us".
  64. The human race
  65. is the most powerful
  66. lifeform on earth,
  67. but we're still
  68. inferior to Nature.
  69. Our environment can be
  70. seen as 1 living
  71. organism, with it's
  72. own immunity system.
  73. It's slow, but always
  74. effective and has
  75. never failed to
  76. eliminate anything
  77. that seems a
  78. desease. We can
  79. try to fight the
  80. symptoms of earth's
  81. reactions to us
  82. (f.a. AIDS, etcetera)
  83. but what we REALLY
  84. should be doing is
  85. fighting the cause of
  86. it's reactions.
  87. If we don't care
  88. about the rainforests,
  89. we simply don't care
  90. about the air we
  91. breath. Can you
  92. imagine how it feels
  93. breathing air with
  94. less than 20%
  95. oxygen? If we go on
  96. destroying the
  97. rainforests, we
  98. won't have to
  99. imagine it anymore,
  100. but it would be a
  101. reality soon.
  102. At least, let's do
  103. what can be done.
  104. Save what can be
  105. saved.
  106. "Why not?" I'd say.
  107. We have nothing to
  108. loose, except
  109. ourselves.
  110. --------------------

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