- S Y N T H F R E A K -
- By Clasiku -
This is the instrumental version removing all of the voiceovers from the
original version.
The original mix is on my SoundCloud webpage if you would like to listen
to the original version, and it's also on my YouTube channel with a video
of the module in action.
The original mix was not really my intention to make a song for Sergeant
Greasemixer when I composed "SynthFreak" in the first place, I didn't
really want to make a song for a YouTuber I watch but for my own sake of
making a decent or good song. This turned out to be the case when I was
composing this module.
Social sites I'm in
~ Includes accent/macro letters A and U
DeviantArt: ClassicGaminer
~YouTube: Clasiku
SoundCloud: Clasiku
~Discord: Clasiku#2397
E-mail: ClassicGaminer2014@Gmail.com
(c) 2018 Clasiku/ClassicGaminer(2018)
Composed by Erik
Date of release: Wednesday, August 29, 2018
It took me almost two weeks, now I can finally sleep without working my
butt off on this song. I was literally working on this all day and night,
that's how much time, effort, and thought went into making this module. XD
Feel free to remix this song or do any slight improvements to it if any,
let me know once you've finished so I can gladly listen to it! :)