By yozfitz
.Tracked on Impulse Tracker 2.14 .
. .
Date: 27-Aug-2008 .File playable on XM player & Schism.
Length: 2'22' .tracker .
Modules: #141 .....................................
Sytle: Chip
Chip with some dissonance
(Trying to reach ko0x, Vibe & PipMalt's chip style... not quite there yet)
I've learnt a great deal on chips by modifying ko0x's last .it!
One do0de for all, and all do0des for one!
Let's smoke some weed, pals, and let's walk on the clouds!!!
(Watch with Terminal Font) YEAH! Like in Ko0x's!
We are walking on the clouds!!!
_/__ _ \_
(______ __L__
.(0) (0). ,
$. b .$ `,
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___( )__
_ ( _)
_( )_ ( _(___)
(_____) (___) :-P >;-)
_ :-/ /.\ /.\
_( ) :-> /.\ / . \ . . \
(___) 8-D ...\ . . \ . . . .__
;-P /.\ \.. \ . .___.__. ._( )_
=-) /.\ . . \ . .__.(setrodox)_(yozfitz
d:-D ;-) /.\ . . \ . .__. ui( Rolemusic
:-) /.\ /.\ / . \ . . __.( )_(_______ - (_____)
/.\ / . \ . . \ . . ._.(__ ) _
/ . \ . ._ . .____._ . _( Alpha C - - )_
. . _._( )__._(__ )__(__Anewuser___ (___ __( )
_._.__( Ko0x PipMalt Okeanos ____) __
__(_joule- -_ __ _ ____) __ __________)
_ (________ _ )____)-( - - ____( )__)
_) (_____ ___) `(_____)-(________________)
__) (_____)
<== down there come more do0des!!!
Thanks ko0x for the 'theoretical' help!
started 21-08-2008
out Patt 10