---> THIRD WONDER action vrs. <---
---> Genevox soundtrack mix <---
Song & Vrs. Info :
Duration - 3:39 Mins
by DiGiT / TranceMaster
Syntos & scratch samples : TranceMaster/PierFranello
Volume & Panning envelope tuning : DigiT/PierFranello
Other version :
B.C. version
SoundHall crew :
Digitbox - Mix, music.
TranceMaster - Mix, Music, and God of the syntos.
PierFranello - Music 'n Rebirth Master.
Galuzz - Guitar player, sampler.
Samme - Music, piano.
Bibi - Flute, Sax, orchestral arrangements.
Nikko - Drums ( real, no sampled ! ).
Pandorio - Mixer, Fx engineer, Masterer.
Dany - Music, Barman.
Done for the game "Genevox" - DroidsLab theme
"GENEVOX" - By Komasoft
Musics, Voices & Sound FX by SoundHall
(c) Komasoft 2001
Special thanks to Komasoft crew for believing in us !
Thank you for downloading this song !
I'll be grateful if you'll send me feedback about the song to :
Look out for SoundHall site ...... work in progress .....
Greetz : Simo, Bart J, Xatos, Kaymano, Igne, Mau the "cappuccio" caster, Barba,
Katia "Memole" Moretti, Jacopo "tamarro" Lanini, Jacopo "wanna fuck
everything" Cenni, Tommaso "WAZZUP!" Ciccolone, Marco "Elcabeza" Belli,
Alessandro "Ho vinto qualche cosa?" Pastorelli, all @ Milestone, Damage
Lab crew, Andrea "Brugola" Capigatti, Virginio "Gas ora e sempre" Biagi
Turbozaura,Gianni el beveron, Andrea "UFO" Ghelli, Simona "UAHAAHAAHHHH
Mugnai,Sesa,Puffi's family, Lalla, Robbe' "Duracell", Zago, Centauro,
All the CMRR tournament player, Katia Imbaglione, Astuccio, The "Chiava
crew, T.V.D.Veerd,Capo,Fabio "pitoro" Vannini,Trakka,Samu & Robe,Ilaria
Chiara,Matte',Alessiuccia,Spazz,Marco "Fava",Marco "Roma",Bobo, Stinco,
friends @ #ModArchive, and all I forgot.
Bye ......
(c) Soundhall - Digitbox\TranceMaster 2001