Now let's hear from our contestants...
This has been a very interesting experience for me. I started this song
somewhere around May/June 1998. Just before that, El Blanco had joined
Chaos Theory. I gave him what I had in hopes of doing a coop. Little did
I know it would actually work out. Then in July, I got to meet El Blanco
in person. When we started this song, we really didn't know too much
about each other. Now, between meeting him and writing this tune with
him, I think we've both learned something.
I don't think we could have split the work any more evenly. This was a
real 50/50 effort. See if you can guess who did what :) Thanks for
listening, I hope you like it. Now I'd like to thank some people.
El Blanco! (of course)
Everyone in Chaos Theory
and you, the listener.
email stein:
El Blanco:
I've only ever done one or two other coop's and this was the first one
that really really worked out well (at least IMHO). I personally think the
song came out well, yet different then either of us expected. The work was
split relatively cleanly between us, and this message area you are looking
at now was used as our collective scratch pad, where we jotted down what
changes we made to each other's version of the song. It took a while to
finish the song but as you hear, it did work. Our styles, though
different, complimented each other well in many respect. Note to
anyone else who is writing a coop, make detailed notes on what you do to
the song when it's your turn to add something. The collective notes
between Stein and I really made the transition between working on a few
patterns, waiting a couple of weeks, and then getting something back that
really didn't resemble your song much quite easy. (whew, that made sense
I'm sure). I guess I'm blabbering now......
Thanks to
Steinenberger! (you know who you are D00d!)
and people
email elblanco: