
OpenMPT 1.23 IT 2.14
1426310 bytes
Song Length:
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            -=- E N D S I E G H O F F N U N G S M A R S C H -=-
          -=- F I N A L   V I C T O R Y   H O P E   M A R C H -=-
 -=- P O C H O D   N A D . J E   V   K O N E . N .   V . T . Z S T V . -=-
  Made by 637man AKA j-61m on 04.10.2014~23.11.2014 in OpenMPT
  Rome wasn't built in 1 day, neither this song was. Still sucks, I know.
 L E S   S T A T I S T I Q U E S   D E S   M O D U L E S   M U S I Q U E S

  - Ord: 42 (57) - Pat: 36 (40) - BPM: 150 - Spd: 8 - Chn: 42 - Smp: 15 -
  - Len: 08:45 - Row: 96*41+4=3940 (+3*96+64)=4292 - Tic: 31520 (34336) -
 MIDI would span 11 channels, plus 4 for echoes and 1 for downtuned snare.

     Planned to add a wind effect, but it would be way too disturbing.
 This song performs relatively well when run trough MP3 compression, with
 the expection of drums. Highest MPEG-2 L3 quality (56kbps, 24kHz, Stereo)
 gives a 3.5 MB file, whereas this module fits on a HD 3.5" floppy drive.
Playback and compatibility notes:
-> Play in OpenMPT or something else based on ModPlug library
-> Set Bass Boost to max, range in the middle
-> In MilkyTracker the last 12 channels won't load, but intentionally there
are only echoes and dubs to sample 9 in them so it's not gonna be that bad.
-> The module is oversampled. If sample volume is supported in your player,
it should sound good. You should be able to get at least 19-bit depth.
Otherwise pretend you're watching a montage parody.
-> Uses 2 DirectX plugins, WavesReverb and Compressor. Without them it will
significantly affect the kick in the way you may need an EQ to hear them
and some instruments will have a lesser stereo width.
Greets to: Image-Line (sry4pir8in), ADMC.cz & kaHan (plz a XM file),
Audacity dev team, /b/ & /pol/, /r/montageparodies, Soundcloud, Modarchive
Not greets to: Apple (bending iPhone 6, sux), Micro$oft (YU buy the entire
Mojang and Nokia?), FaZebook (YU buy Oculus VR & not just Rift?)
         M A D E   I N   C Z E C H I A   O N   W I N D O W S   X P
          V Y R O B E N O   V   . E S K U   V   O K N E C H   X P
 G E M A C H T   I N   T S C H E C H I E N   A U F   F E N S T E R N   X P
     S D . I E . A N O   W   C Z E C H A C H   N A   O K N A C H   X P

I made some lyrics, but they suck:

I needed to make hardsomething with triplet rythm. So I made it. Because I
usually put in everything I find on my kinda faulty harddrive this song has
incredible 42 channels. My despice for instruments and plugins has shown
here too. I managed to fit within Ultimate Soundtracker's 15 sample margin.
Because I can't dance this song is again an IDM, but meaning Intelligent
Digital Music so you can just listen to it. Many of today's pop songs seem
too empty for me, just having some weak beat, bass and some chords. Aren't
they meant to be elevetor music? I feel like I make things more elevating.

It's like hard trance raped by some hardstyle or hardcore techno elements,
getmanized in a music tracker. Real techno should be a little bit scary so
this thing is like spooky scary late 00's hardstyle. This genre got a major
screw-up in 10's employing drops with sound like KOWM KOWM KOWM KOWM and
discarding that 3-note subdivision. It's a trap (lame pun). These drops are
nearly everywhere and all the artistic creativity goes solely into these
song parts which contain only a kick with bass (like OWWMM) and some melody
that was the only point of making that 4-minute thing. And in this age of
perpetual hurry there's no time for waiting until them. The song needs to
sound awesome from beginning to end.

This song could play as the NATO armies are marching to fight in the Russia
... or otherwise. I don't sympathize with neither US nor Russia. One is
corrupt and other has not legal weed. Yet there's China, but I know only
about 500 characters. Also ISIS, but I don't know anything from Arabic
except "Allahu akbar" and "Salam aleykom", roots like KTB (write), SLM
(submise), SKN (reside) and 1 verbal form (present or future ya**u*u and
past *a*a*a). But the video propaganda is very likeable. It's like a horror
or something. I should wait instead for some African or South American
(SAR, Mosambique, Brazil?) country to become another superpower after the
old ones have fallen or for Antarctica to get proclaimed as a country, in
which there be even more freedom than in America. Damn you, brain, you
wanted to make music, didn't you? Why you drift away like some ADHD kid?

There's also a not-so-well-hidden part containing another remake of Beskyde
Beskyde, a Moravian folk song. I look forward to make it a really pumping
song, not that kind of sleepy remix made in one night. Meanwhile doing some
schoolwork I apparently forgot how to make a really cool melody like I did
in Running from the Doom, Saved by Jesus or All Ur Soul R Belong 2 Us.

I observe EDM is borrowing some elements from Metal. In the end it might be
that every song could be released in 2 versions: one made with with synths
and the other made with guitars and drums, which could be played live. All
the musicians should mainly profit form real-time performance because now
nearly everyone can sequence a track on their PC and ship it for sale.
That's why my music like this will be always free for noncommercial uses.
Putting CC ND on a track is lame. Actually it's lame to put it on anything.
It deserves not to be respected as it shows the egoism and arrogance of the
composer that none should share edits to their precious 1s and 0s. The only
subject that should ever have his ND on his work respected is your favorite
deity, like Allah, God, Zeus, Perun, Shiva, Flying Spaghetti Monster etc.
These don't really exist, actually they are only thoughts. You can't see or
talk with them face to face. It's only a term for event development, just
being handled as a person.

Never use trackers if you don't like to make any retro. It's really a pain
in the ass to make something newer than 2010-like sounding in a 00's music
tracker. Multi-layered instruments, plugins, hacked features, prerendered
loops and all the other obscure shit that isn't conventional to standard
oldschool tracking, which is just simply stitching samples with volume
and pitch modulation. It isn't impossible, but it's hard and I'm too lazy.

Sorry for that noobish way of adjusting the volume of kick, taking away
2 channels and even clipping the sample, but I wanted to flang it a little.
Besides is sounds better when at least twice as loud to cause more intense
earthquakes when played at high volumes. I don't consider my music a sonic
weapon for nothing ;-)

 Samples from:
1,5 ADMC.cz feat. kaHan - Hymna remix 99 (damn you for no XM release)
2 FL Keys, excerpt from my "Beskyde, Beskyde" Cover
3 Generated in Audacity
4 Papelmedia String Ensemble, bundled with FL Studio
6 Found in the directories of FL Studio
7,8 FL Studio, +60 db (rendered because the .wav files are nonstandard)
9 Same as above, but flanged in NGWave (now abandonware tool)
A,F TR-909 cliche samples
B,C,D,E Don't know exactly, some modules from Modarchive.

All my original songs are free under something like CC-BY-NC. If this one
would be a remix, it'd be only CC-BY. The licensing applies only to the
sequence and this text, but not the samples nor the module format. Although
I don't think I'll be actively enforcing this, I hope you people have some
respect to others. Be nice to a 16 years old (overweight) boy. If you feel
the urge to really do so, donate by sending Bitcoins to this address:
1C4Xyt6PGFzbJszVxuNp3VbmHPywKbT6KK. Doing this gives you also a life-time
commercial license or simply just removes the NC for you.

I'm quite sure this isn't my last module, but the free time shrinks rapidly
as I get older. I plan to release Just Beginnings Being Beginnings as soon
as I get my ass to recover the FL Studio installation as Windows were again
reinstalled (obligatory every 2 years). And if there will be enough music
released before that, a simple compilation will follow. There are some
experiments I want to do in the analogue and accoustic music, but I am not
sure if they will be worth of even release on Excrementarium. If something
like Ebola, ALS or a car won't kill me, I'll make another modules.

My module has 3 rows per beat. Triangle has 3 sides. Illuminati symbol is
a triangle. Lumynerdy kunfyrmt & amma 1. 4SPUKI6U BYEDCH!

~~ Johannes Getmann aus Schei.endorf AKA 637man, j-61m, Getty etc.


Source Name Folder
Modarchive j-61m_-_endsieghoffnungsmarsch.it IT/J/j-61m_-_endsieghoffnungsmarsch.it.zip
Modarchive j-61m_-_endsieghoffnungsmarsch.it modarchive_2014_additions/IT/J/j-61m_-_endsieghoffnungsmarsch.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. hymnarmx_strings 9528 ▶️
2. roto_organ_E 1071 ▶️
3. pluck_low_long 65535 ▶️
4. SYM_STR_C_2 82272 ▶️ 77%:
Thanks for watching!
5. hymnarmx_bass 10381 ▶️
6. CHO_F3 71982 ▶️ 85%:
7. str-rrot 1 other modules 25270 ▶️
8. str-morg 1 other modules 35942 ▶️
9. str-slkf 1 other modules 196863 ▶️
10. cshd2 45473 ▶️
11. bdr 8675 ▶️
12. claps 1723 ▶️
13. snare_rave.wav 14224 ▶️
14. c64_5 41 other modules 12736 ▶️
15. hhod0 258 other modules 11162 ▶️

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