RavE thE hEad
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 289777 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 2
- Channels:
- 32
- Song Length:
- 44
- Samples:
- 22
- Instruments:
- 60
- Patterns:
- 38
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 1185
- SHA1:
- 110cd6cceb245014fc2e0cc897eb6c18fc697c94
- MD5:
- 484dfc11df9c6e7c21654d35ec6e0bda
Source | Name | Folder |
Modarchive | wc_rath.xm | XM/W/wc_rath.xm.zip |
Modarchive | wc_rath.xm | W/WC/wc_rath.xm.zip |
# | Name | ST name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | No name | ST-11:supersnare1 | 190 other modules | 5306 | ▶️ | |
2. | No name | 55 other modules | 4850 | ▶️ | ||
3. | No name | 128 other modules | 4384 | ▶️ | ||
4. | No name | 524 other modules | 3268 | ▶️ | ||
5. | No name | 17 other modules | 6684 | ▶️ | ||
6. | No name | 8 other modules | 5171 | ▶️ | ||
7. | No name | 6 other modules | 128 | ▶️ | ||
8. | No name | 19 other modules | 6134 | ▶️ | ||
9. | No name | 28 other modules | 6184 | ▶️ | ||
10. | No name | 15 other modules | 6292 | ▶️ | ||
11. | No name | 16 other modules | 6424 | ▶️ | ||
12. | No name | 11 other modules | 6312 | ▶️ | ||
13. | No name | 14 other modules | 6294 | ▶️ | ||
14. | No name | 18 other modules | 6250 | ▶️ | ||
15. | No name | 15 other modules | 6406 | ▶️ | ||
16. | No name | 6 other modules | 6372 | ▶️ | ||
17. | No name | 16 other modules | 6150 | ▶️ | ||
18. | No name | 28 other modules | 6302 | ▶️ | ||
19. | No name | 19 other modules | 6266 | ▶️ | ||
20. | No name | 5 other modules | 6740 | ▶️ | ||
21. | No name | 101 other modules | 33505 | ▶️ | ||
22. | No name | 4 other modules | 43476 | ▶️ |
- RavE thE hEad
- bY
- wArHaWk
- oF
- cHeEtAh & tUkC
- sAmPlEs fRoM dJ_LoUD
- aNd oThErS
- MAXX BASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ..........SAAAA!!!!!!!
- rAvE hAs NeVeR bEEn
- a SpeCiAltY tO mE, bUt
- i rEalY lIke ThIs TuNE
- mEssAgEs to:
- dJ_lOuD: mOrE
- wOnDerLanD2... iT rOxX
- gHiDorAh: rAvE oN brO
- hEdEoN: kAttEr i
- vAaAAaGgaN!!! :)))))))
- dAmIeN: kEEp tHe
- aRcHiVe rUnnInG :)
- aWeSoMe: tHiS iS
- pRobAly aS fAr aWaY
- fRoM yOuR tUnEs aS
- yoU cAn Get ;)
- rEptIlE: oK, i wOnT
- rEviEw gOfH. bUt i wAs
- oN mY wAy tOdaY oN
- dOiNg sO.
- aNak: yOuR cHipZ rOoxx
- pOW: yEaH, mOre mUsIC!
- sKy: yOu wAnNa mAkE
- a cO-Op? :)
- hAgGe: hEhE.. nUm2 ;))
- wAsTeD: dEt vAr iNtE
- aLLs n.n mEgASaMplIng
- i MiN l.T tIll StRaNgE
- aNd ThEn I InViTe YoU
- tO #fT2 On uNdErNeT
- rAvE oN PpL!!!!!!!!!!!
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