redribbon_truites powah

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.15
1364227 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:



   Truites powAh !
 _______________________________ _   _   _

   Duration : 3:51
   By .RedRibbon


The Story :

     Bored by this fucking  program on TV, I took
     my keys and shut my door. Wow... this night,
     a groovy atmosphere  is growing around me. I
     just  can  hear, at  the  end of the  street
     guitars  and  old  pianos  playing  for  the
     walkers...  I  just  want to  shake my body,
     just want to touch someone.

73chn1c 71pz :

     The original of this song has been written on FT2
     but was sooooo big ( something like 3Meg ). Red
     Ribbon decided to use Impulse to decrease the size
     (he was really desesperate you know, IT is like,
     hummmm... torture for him). And, this is a really
     great idea. This operation was a success... Impulse
     is really the greatest tracker on the earth....

                Comments by tOrOne
                         and rEdRiBBon

RR on the keys : hem, IT sux! i repeat IT sux ! :)
By the way, thanks Torone for your help !


Source Name Folder
Modland redribbon truites Impulsetracker/Red Ribbon/



# Name Used in Size
1. Stoned_2.wav 1 other modules 59648 ▶️
2. 90bea~14.wav 1 other modules 64008 ▶️
3. No name 2 other modules 12870 ▶️
4. Twnpeak2.wav 14 other modules 76914 ▶️
5. No name 48 other modules 127690 ▶️
6. Ride2.wav 61 other modules 62080 ▶️
7. 90drm~16.wav 2 other modules 5768 ▶️
8. 94drm~26.wav 2 other modules 16933 ▶️
9. Bad_5.wav 25 other modules 26460 ▶️
10. No name 2 other modules 18492 ▶️
11. 01_20_07.wav 2 other modules 15113 ▶️
12. Filter4b.wav 17 other modules 14250 ▶️
13. X3hammd2.wav 2 other modules 170504 ▶️ 65%:
Google Pag Stones
14. Watrway3.wav 2 other modules 196649 ▶️
15. Conga1.wav 42 other modules 10424 ▶️
16. Wood_06.wav 28 other modules 3144 ▶️
17. Crash1.wav 374 other modules 59226 ▶️
18. 90drms~6.wav 2 other modules 60675 ▶️
19. No name 56 other modules 20474 ▶️
20. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 11772 ▶️
21. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 4718 ▶️
22. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 10147 ▶️
23. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 10585 ▶️
24. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 11846 ▶️
25. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 4306 ▶️
26. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 11681 ▶️
27. 01_19_02.wav 2 other modules 16770 ▶️
28. 01_20_07.wav 1 other modules 4599 ▶️
29. 01_20_07.wav 1 other modules 5137 ▶️
30. 01_20_07.wav 1 other modules 8711 ▶️
31. 01_20_07.wav 1 other modules 6868 ▶️
32. 01_20_08.wav 1 other modules 12497 ▶️ 91%:
33. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 3513 ▶️
34. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 2117 ▶️
35. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 2837 ▶️
36. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 5069 ▶️
37. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 3035 ▶️
38. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 4897 ▶️
39. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 2287 ▶️
40. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 2693 ▶️
41. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 3927 ▶️
42. 01_20_11.wav 1 other modules 14642 ▶️
43. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 3596 ▶️
44. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 2588 ▶️
45. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 2739 ▶️
46. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 3598 ▶️
47. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 3360 ▶️
48. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 2744 ▶️
49. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 2682 ▶️
50. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 2842 ▶️
51. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 7420 ▶️
52. 01_20_10.wav 1 other modules 11851 ▶️


  1. stoned
  2. hiphop1
  3. snare
  4. peak
  5. babasse
  6. ride
  7. shaker
  8. closed2
  9. drum
  10. melo
  11. rockline
  12. filter
  13. hammond
  14. nappe
  15. conga
  16. wood
  17. crash
  18. hiphop2
  19. piano
  20. pick
  21. pick
  22. pick
  23. pick
  24. pick
  25. pick
  26. pick
  27. pick
  28. rockline
  29. rockline
  30. rockline
  31. rockline
  32. rockline2
  33. z

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster